Family, Homeschooling

What Does 100 Pesos Buy You?


Spare 100 pesos and feed a street kid for a day

Money can be easily spent these days. But for streetchildren, 100 pesos can go a long way. It can already comfortably feed one child for an entire day.

Christmas Tree of Hope - L'Fisher Hotel - Virlanie Foundation
Our little Siobe hangs a ball and her signed card on the Christmas Tree of Hope at L’Fisher Hotel. She was not contented with one. She asked for more money in order to hang more balls.

L’Fisher Hotel Tree of Hope

It has been a yearly tradition at L’Fisher Hotel Bacolod to hold a ceremonial lighting of their Christmas tree. Each year, it has a different theme. This year, it is Winter Wonderland, so a glistening white 20-foot Christmas tree stands tall and proud in the middle of the lobby.

Christmas Tree of Hope - L'Fisher Hotel - Virlanie Foundation
City Administrator Atty John Orola and Ms. Delia Ciocon – Granada. light up the Tree of Hope at L’Fisher Hotel. Photo by Dhadha Garcia.

The tree was officially lighted up last December 2, 2017, in a simple ceremony attended by the Ciocon family, friends, and guests. City Administrator, Atty. John Orola and Ms. Delia Ciocon – Granada officially turned on the switch.

First Christmas balls were hang by the Ciocon and Dilag kids, Lui, Niño, Roch and Rich. It was also graced by the kids of Virlanie Foundation, the beneficiaries of this year’s Tree of Hope campaign by L’Fisher Hotel. The activity is geared towards L’Fisher Hotel’s commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility.

Christmas Tree of Hope - L'Fisher Hotel - Virlanie Foundation
The CSA-B Chorale brought Christmas cheer at L’Fisher Hotel through the singing of carols. Photo by Dhadha Garcia.

Guests were entertained by the CSA-B Chorale.

P100 Goes a Long Way

So hotel guests and visitors or diners at L’Fisher Hotel Bacolod can also share in the Tree of Hope program. And it only takes at least P100. But of course, you can give some more out of your hearts’ leading.

Christmas Tree of Hope - L'Fisher Hotel - Virlanie Foundation
Our kids did their share.

This is a really nice project of L’Fisher Hotel. Not only does their Christmas tree beautify the lobby, it is a symbol of hope for the many foundations and causes that they have supported through the year.

Tree of Hope Mechanics

For every 100 pesos, each one is entitled to a gift card and a silver Christmas ball. All these are just displayed beside the tree at the lobby. No need to go to the reception area to do this. You may write Christmas greetings or prayers on the card and hang it on the tree with the ball. You can then drop your donations in the box beside the tree.

Christmas Tree of Hope - L'Fisher Hotel - Virlanie Foundation
Just drop your money in the secure box.

Or you may just place your money in the box with a prayer for the Virlanie Foundation and the kids that they take care of.

All the proceeds of the Tree of Hope will be turned over to Virlannie Foundation to fund their operations and projects.


About Virlanie Foundation

The Virlanie Foundation, Inc. is child-caring institution based in Metro Manila, Philippines. But they also have a home here in Bacolod City. They serve children found living in the streets as well as those referred by other institutions. Virlanie works to prevent the future physical and psychological abuse of children. Moreover, Virlanie envisions empowered children who can see a brighter future for themselves.

Each year, Virlanie cares for more three hundred children in its eight (8) homes and more than five hundred (500) children through its outreach programs.

Christmas Tree of Hope - L'Fisher Hotel - Virlanie Foundation
Our little Siobe Shane signing her name on the gift card.

History of Virlanie

Virlanie was founded by Dominique Lemay in 1992. He is a French social worker who partnered with Filipinos to bring hope and changes among the plight of streetchildren. Since that time, Virlanie has looked after more than 17,000 children in Metro Manila alone. Virlanie bases its dozens of projects and support services on two main programs: residential and outreach.

The Foundation is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and is duly licensed and recognized by the Department of Social Welfare and Development of the Philippines (DSWD). It is a member of the Association of Child Caring Agencies of the Philippines (ACCAP) and of the Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC).

For Homeschoolers

As a homeschooling in Bacolod family, part of the lessons we teach our children is empathy and social responsibility. We let them take part in charitable causes like this, telling them what this is for. They are not just there to get an ornament to hang on the tree. They know the purpose of this endeavor.

Christmas Tree of Hope - L'Fisher Hotel - Virlanie Foundation
Dindin hanging up her a Christmas ornament on the Tree of Hope at L’Fisher Hotel Bacolod.

I would like to encourage parents to bring your kids here and share their blessings to street children through the Virlanie Foundation. Please explain to them what this is for so that they will know where their money is going.

Support the Virlanie Foundation

Support the Virlanie Foundation through the Tree of Hope program by L’Fisher Hotel. Visit the hotel any day, any time in December 2017.

Your 100 pesos will surely go a long way. Let’s help them while we still can and they can still appreciate our help. Let us celebrate life everyday with helping out as much as we can.


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