Mental Health, Pregnancy

Getting Over the Grief of Miscarriage


They say that mothers defy death in order to deliver their babies into the world. It’s true because I have experienced that, too. Additionally, many experience post-partum depression. But what if you experience delivering a lifeless child into this world? How does one get over the grief of miscarriage? Will a mom ever forget about her unborn?

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Living the Life That Many Dream Of

Dr. Gienah Ganzon is a licensed physician from Bacolod City, Philippines, specializing in family and community medicine. In 2012, she met the love of her life, American accountant Brian Eskow, and the following year, they got married.

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Brian and Doc Gienah got married in Bacolod. From the start, they have always wanted to become parents.

At first, the couple had to contend with a long-distance relationship (LDR) because Brian is working in the United States while Doc Gienah had to finish her residency training in Iloilo City.

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During their honeymoon in Davao.

In January 2015, she found out that she was pregnant so she moved to the United States in July while pregnant with her eldest. They settled in North Carolina–Brian’s home state.

While it wasn’t an easy pregnancy that came with some episodes of bleeding, Doc Gienah was able to get through with it and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in September. They named him Elijah.

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The happy family – Brian, Doc Gienah, and their eldest son, Elijah, on his second birthday.

The Second Baby

Elijah brought so much joy to the Eskow household. An easy child to take care of, he was such a delight. By this time, Doc Gienah was already working as a procedure tech and medical assistant with the National Spine and Pain Clinic.

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The eldest Elijah is a beautiful baby that brought so much joy to the Eskow household.

Whenever they were off-duty, the little family went out on picnics or visited family and friends. They tried to spend much as time with each other and witness Elijah’s milestones.

Soon after, Doc Gienah became pregnant again. She has always wanted two kids and even before conceiving she already had a name for her future daughter – Avery Divine. And yes, it was girl!

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Doc Gienah was blooming with her second pregnancy. She has proven the belief that moms look prettier if their are pregnant with girls.

However, this new mom did get mixed emotions. “I was excited because I always wanted at least two babies.” But the same time, she was anxious about finances.

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Surrounded with gifts during the baby shower.

“I also wondered if I can handle a toddler and a newborn at the same time without a full-time helper.” As many of us know, people in the United States work so much and getting even just a part-time household help can be really expensive.

A Dream Pregnancy That Turned Into a Nightmare

Everybody was excited for Doc Gienah’s second baby. A baby shower was held for her. She has amassed baby girl stuff and the nursery is already prepared.

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Surrounded with love and support from friends in the weeks leading to her delivery.

Doc Gienah carried her baby Avery until 40 weeks. The pregnancy was actually very smooth, compared to her first. There were no problems or complications. “She was very active (in the womb), too,” Doc Gienah remembers.

Two days before delivery, Doc Gienah went to her OB-Gyne for her last checkup. She was told that the baby was fine and ready to come out.

Then two days later, Baby Avery’s heart suddenly stopped beating. Just like that, without rhyme or reason, Avery was gone.

Induced Labor and Vaginal Birth

Since Avery was already at full term, a C-Section was no longer necessary. Doc Gienah underwent eight hours of induced labor. She recalls that it was the darkest and lowest point in her life. Already in terrible pain, she angrily awaited for her baby to come out knowing that the little one was no longer alive.

The attending physicians asked if the Eskow couple wanted an autopsy. Doc Gienah only answered, “What for? Will the autopsy help to bring her back to life? She died already.” Because they did not give consent, the hospital went ahead to conduct an autopsy of the placenta. They found a blood clot in one area of the placenta, which could have caused the baby’s sudden death. But that’s just one part of the explanation.

The Grief of Miscarriage

Doc Gienah relates that she has overcome the grief of the loss of several family members.

“My mother died when she was 44. My youngest brother died as still born as well.” A few years afterwards, her uncle (mom’s younger brother) also passed away at age 41. “My grandfather, who was very close to me, died at age 60.”

Despite all her encounters with grief and losing family members, Doc Gienah says that losing Avery was by far the hardest. She thought that she would handle this better than her husband Brian because of her past experiences. But the grief was just overwhelming for her.

The worst part was that Doc Gienah blamed herself. She felt guilty and blamed her body for failing her baby and successfully delivering her as expected. “My body failed her (Avery). I failed her,” she laments.

Getting Over the Grief

All the negative and toxic emotions overwhelmed Doc Gienah. “I hated myself,” she remembers. She didn’t have family there and felt desolate. But she knew that she needed to fight back and live again because she still has a husband and a little boy looking up to her.

Grieving and Letting Go

The first step to healing was acknowledging the grief and then letting go. The Eskows held a solemn tribute and funeral for Baby Avery. They were able to pay their respects, send their love, and say their good-byes to the little girl they held but never met.

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Holding a funeral for Baby Avery was the start of the healing process — the couple had to let go.


Depression was real thing for Doc Gienah, both because of post-partum hormones and dealing with the loss of her baby. Additionally, she gave birth at the onset of winter, before Christmas, which exacerbated the blues. “It was so cold and gloomy,” she said. The grief of miscarriage was magnified so many times.

Her doctor prescribed Zoloft to help her cope, which she dutifully took. As a medical doctor herself, she knew the repercussions of not taking medication.


Doc Gienah battled with self-esteem and confidence issues. “I feared everything and I became a nervous wreck. It was a struggle to go out of the house because I was scared of driving.” She also recalls getting angry a lot and questioning God about the deaths in their family. She asked Him, “I thought we were done with all the deaths in the family?”

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This Christmas outing was just a few days after Avery’s birth. Doc Gienah’s heart felt like exploding–being surrounded by laughter of children.

When her emotions stabilized a bit, Doc Gienah stopped her medications and stepped out in faith. “I wanted to let God heal me totally. But my healing was like a roller coaster ride.”

Just a few months ago, she started having crying spells again and was tempted to resume with her prescriptions. But instead, she asked helped from their pastor. She was referred to a Christianity-based counseling therapy. “It helped me a lot. The therapy made me just cling on to God more. It’s weird because I felt angry at God but I also hang on to Him tightly.”

Doc Gienah found herself devoting more time praying and studying the Bible than usual. She also volunteered at their church’s nursery.

Love and Support of Her Husband

The biggest factor in Doc Gienah’s recovery is the support of her husband. She can no longer remember how many times she told her husband that she feels guilty and that she blames herself. Brian just kept on listening.

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Brian surely gets Best Husband award for being the loving and supportive husband that he is during this difficult time for his wife.

When he has no work, Brian would take out his wife or just hang out with their son Elijah. He also bought her a diffuser and some essential oils in order to help Doc Gienah feel better.

Friends and Family

Many friends and family have extended help to Doc Gienah and their little family. Small or big, their gestures are much appreciated as this mom tries to cope with the grief of miscarriage. Most of all, Doc Gienah appreciates the love and prayers. She knows that she couldn’t go through this difficult time alone.

Ongoing Battle: The Fear of Pregnancy

Doc Gienah is back to work and can safely say that she’s of her zone since Avery passed. Her husband patiently coached her to slowly get her confidence and self-esteem back. Though she easily gets stressed, reading Bible verses and listening to worship songs have helped her a lot, too.

But the fear of another pregnancy is still there. At first, Doc Gienah said that she wanted to have her tubes tied right away. She just shut down.

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After a failed second attempt, the fear of pregnancy is real for Doc Gienah.

The years have passed and she is able to talk about having another child, though the possibility is still giving her the scares. Her therapist has assured her that she is already in the healing phase of her grief journey. “Although healing is not liner, I agree and believe that I am healing. I feel better and I have forgiven myself.”

It’s still not easy but Doc Gienah is finding it easier to get up every day. She has so many reasons to live and be thankful so she remains hopeful that she is getting over the grief of miscarriage.

Challenges of Life

The challenges of life can be brutal at times. Here is one mom who has gone through so much in life but has bounced back many times. Doc Gienah is sharing her story here. Part of it is to encourage other mothers who are also experiencing grief of miscarriage. But in another light, she knows that sharing her story is already a part of her healing. God bless you, Doc Gienah!

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Doc Gienah’s husband is like her life coach. He patiently listened to her cries of anguish. And she wants to honor this good man, husband, and father.

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9 thoughts on “Getting Over the Grief of Miscarriage

  1. This is really heart-breaking. I may not have experienced this first-hand, but it gives me a certain heartache, esp since I have a few close friends who have been thru this as well. My heart goes for the family and for the mother most especially since they are the one who are in experiencing the worst pain and heart-break after losing a child. 🙁

  2. Inspiring Story from a brave woman like you Doc Gienah. God has greater plans for her and her family. Her miscarriage is not the end. And her story will surely bless so many people. Keep that Faith. God is with you.

  3. Truly, a brave and strong woman doc Gienah is.. And to her very supportive husband too, na hindi rin talaga sumuko na intindihin at samahan ka sa pagsubok na dumaan sa inyong buhay.. Siguro it was God’s test para sa inyong pamilya kung kaya niyo po siya lampasan.. And maybe may plano din si God for your mas better pa.. God bless you always doc..

  4. Ang sakit 🙁 ang sakit sakit ng post na ito.. para sa isang nanay na tulad ko, parang ang hirap mawalan ng anak, lalo na yung ini expect mo na andyan na, tapos magiging nightmare, I hope Doc is okay now, God knows best ika nga.. masakit ang miscarriage pero kailangan talaga tanggapin..

  5. Napaka tapang naman ni Dra. Sa totoo lang po napaka hirap mawalan ng anak po lalo na at talagang hinintay at pinaghandaan mo po ito.. sana maging okay ka si Dra..

  6. Nakakalungkot naman po ang nangyari Kay Dra. Gienah,naranasan ko din po yan na makunan.I have two miscarriages, kaya natatakot na po ako magbuntis ulit, dumating din po sa point na sinisisi ko sarili ko Pero Buti nalang andiyan yung asawa ko at dalawa kong anak na nagpapalakas sa akin.

  7. Heartbreaking Naman Po ito. Nakaka iyak. Wala ng sasakit pa sa isang Ina na mamatayan ng anak. 🙁 Bigla ako nalungkot. Siguro may reason si God kung bakit to nangyayari sa mga Mommies out there. Keep on fighting.💪

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