Having little to no breast milk
Yeah, I know, the adage says, “Don’t cry over spilt milk.” But what about no breast milk?

No Breast Milk Struggles
I know what you are going to tell me–mothers who just gave birth are supposed to have breast milk. But there’s just no breast milk here. I have nothing to spill over, no breast milk for that matter. So crying over spilled milk is not the issue here.
Okay, I am exaggerating. I do produce milk, or at least some of it. However, it’s just part of my baby’s feeding requirements. So far it’s not enough. And I know fully well the benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby.
Depressed Breastfeeding Mom
Today, I just got so tired. In the past, I have been crying from the pain of breast pumping, swollen nipples, and the plain frustration. But today, I felt so bad. I felt like a bad mother for not being able to produce enough breast milk for my baby. And to think that my mother breastfed my brother and I for several years when we were babies.
What made it more painful was the fact that my baby is pushing away her bottle and would rather latch on to me. She wants to be breast fed, but after awhile, no more milk would come out. It is soooo frustrating to see your baby wanting to feed on your breast milk and you are not able to give more.
If only I learned back then that Perseverance is the key to breastfeeding.
At Wit’s End
I have tried everything to successfully breastfeed my baby. While I was painfully recovering from Caesarian Section, I endured the pain to go to the nursery twice a day in order to get my breasts stimulated to produce breast milk.
While I was already discharged from the Riverside Medical Center, our baby remained admitted. I visited her everyday just to let her latch. Sometimes, we would pass by a bumpy patch on the road and my wound would really ache so much that I would almost faint sometimes. But I endured the long drive to the hospital every single day.
Nutrition for Breastfeeding Moms
I do not lack the nutrition needed for breastfeeding moms. As an example, I ate vegetables, drank soup by the bowls, drank milk for lactating mothers, ate fruits, took vitamins, took malunggay capsules (I now take 6 per day and it makes me go to bathroom every so often), etc, etc. The only thing I have not done probably is to drink beer (they say beer also increases milk production but most babies don’t like the taste of the breast milk).
Last night, Dindin vomited most of what she had since the afternoon, which was mostly formula. I felt sad. It was one of the times that she took 4 oz in five hours and yet she threw up everything.
People are telling me that my baby has lost weight. What can I do? She refuses to eat other varieties and I can only give so much breast milk. I am already afraid that her health will suffer.
The Decision to Breastfeed
It just so frustrating because even before I got pregnant, I already decided to breastfeed my children. And I have time to breastfeed because I work at home. It was my idea to conjure something that you want to do in your mind so that you will be successful.
But sadly, I have a problem with milk production. Why is there no breast milk? My baby is almost 3 months now.
Please help.