
Back-to-School Tips for Parents in the New Normal


Getting your kids back to school ready in the new normal may involve some of the things we already knew in the past. However, there are many changes, as we still don’t see face-to-face classes happening anytime soon. So more than shopping for new school supplies, shoes, and uniforms, here are some back-to-school tips for the new normal schooling. 

Distance Learning: Back-to-School Tips

These back-to-school tips are just some of the most practical and basic things that we parents can do for our children in the new normal. The pandemic has changed the way that most students are doing school, so it was a challenge for most families to adjust. Many working moms even had to quit their day jobs in order to help their kids get through school.

You may also know some of these things. As for some, these tips can also serve as encouragement knowing that you are not alone in this struggle.

1. Prioritize your students’ health

Even before the pandemic, we parents know how important it is to prioritize our children’s health. But it is all the more important now because of the health threats around us.

Caring for their health will ensure that they are physically and mentally prepared to go back to school. It is not enough to just healthy food. Your kids also need to have enough sleep, less gadget time, and get enough sun exposure, and also a lot of physical activity.

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~ Kids need sun exposure and lots of physical activity to stay healthy. ~

2. Get them vaccinated.

Depending on your area of residence, some cities already offer pediatric Covid vaccine shots for ages 12-17. This will protect them from the devastating symptoms of Coronavirus disease. Moreover, you can also check and complete their booster shots for their infant vaccination doses. 

The layer of protection that vaccines give will boost your child’s immunity and protect them in this pandemic.

3. Set a routine sleeping schedule.

Despite having school at home, it is best to keep a routine sleeping and waking time for the kids. It is good for their body clock to have a routine. Plus, it is good discipline for them to show up on time for their classes. Eventually (and hopefully), they will learn to show up on time for their professional appointments.

Aside from that, sleep or rest is necessary for growth. Children need that for good health and also to grow taller.

4. Provide the necessary requirements.

One thing that affects your children’s mental health is the lack of the things that they need for school. While it is tough, many parents are scrambling for new gadgets for their children in order to make online learning possible. If this is way beyond the family budget, there is an option for modular classes so that kids don’t need their individual gadgets.

If your kids are using gadgets every day for their school work, please invest in a good pair of anti-blue light glasses. These special glasses protect your children’s eyes from too much exposure to blue that can disrupt their sleep and cause hormonal imbalance.

With homeschooling, some are still maintaining PACEs from the School of Tomorrow so they don’t have to buy new gadgets for their students.

5. Create a learning nook.

This learning corner is your child’s space during school hours. They would accomplish their classwork and assignments here. It should be a well-lighted area with a table, chair, and drawers for them to store their school supplies. 

For better productivity, allow for good ventilation in the area to maintain the air quality. That is also for their overall health.

6. Give food supplements.

The food that we eat, despite its nutrition, could not possibly complete the nutritional requirements for optimum health that our bodies need. It is best to give food supplements as sources of major vitamin and mineral groups. 

And in this pandemic, our whole family needs more of these nutritional boosters. Two things that are badly needed nowadays are Vitamin C and Zinc—a powerhouse combo for immunity. Then, of course, there are vitamins that are needed for brain development as well as growth. To combat the school stress that children encounter, they need a supplement of Vitamin B complex.

~ Give good quality food supplements every day to ensure your kids’ health. Food is never enough to provide the necessary nutrients for their overall wellness. ~

These back-to-school tips are very basic but these can already make your students’ lives so much easier and happier.

How to Order Bewell Products

You can order all the products of Bewell Nutraceuticals in different channels. They have made online ordering very accessible for all of us.

Bewell Express Online Store

Visit the Bewell Express on Facebook and order your preferred items by sending them a message. Yes, just use the messenger option so that you can easily chat and ask questions to their representative. Here is their FB page: https://web.facebook.com/bewellcsodiumascorbate

When ordering from the Bewell Express online store, you can give them my promo code: BEWELLSIGRID. This way you can get a 10% discount on regular-priced items.

Shopee and Lazada

To make things much easier, Bewell products are also available on two of the country’s largest e-commerce platforms: Shopee and Lazada. Check the Shopee Link here: https://shp.ee/26n9s74

  • Meanwhile, Bewell products are also available at Watsons, Mercury Drug, and other leading drugstores nationwide.

5 thoughts on “Back-to-School Tips for Parents in the New Normal

  1. Thanks for the tips Mommy Sig..Kahit na Home schooling dami padin talagang Dapat isaalang alang sa pagaaral ng mga Anak natin.Mahalaga na Maayos at malusog sila..May bitaminang nakukuha sa araw at may vitamin supplement.

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