In the Filipino culture, when a couple gets married, it is expected that they have a child. When a child is born, the next question is, when are you going to give him or her a sibling? Have you also experienced the invasive questions of relatives and well-meaning friends, especially during reunions? With that premise, what we get are scenarios of a happy and complete family with several children pictured on social media. But often, the firstborn is not considered or given attention in all this. Is the oldest child ready to have a sibling? Is he or she emotionally prepared to have to share everything, from mom and dad’s attention to food and all the toys? Below, let’s look into sibling dynamics and eventually techniques to reach conflict resolution when disagreements arise.
The Complexity of Sibling Dynamics
Siblings share a deep and unique bond that is unlike any other relationship. While the love and connection between siblings can be enriching, it’s not uncommon for conflicts to arise as they grow older.
Understanding the dynamics at play and implementing effective conflict resolution strategies can pave the way for a stronger, more harmonious sibling relationship.
Sibling relationships are complex and can be influenced by factors such as birth order, gender, age gaps, and individual personalities. Recognizing and appreciating these differences is crucial in understanding the dynamics that contribute to both positive and challenging aspects of sibling relationships.

Common Sibling Conflicts
From petty disagreements to more significant disputes, conflicts among siblings are a natural part of growing up together. The fact that many of them have to share a bedroom is already enough reason to get irritated with each other.
The common one would be competition for attention. Why does this happen? What causes sibling rivalry¹?
1. The Need for Validation
Children crave validation and acknowledgment and the same is true among siblings. They seek affirmation from parents as they carve out their unique identities within the family unit. When one sibling perceives that another is receiving more attention, it can trigger feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and a sense of being overlooked.
2. Birth Order Dynamics
Birth order can play a big role in intensifying the competition for attention. The firstborn, accustomed to being the sole focus of parental affection initially, may feel threatened when a younger sibling joins the family. On the flip side, younger siblings may harbor feelings of neglect or inferiority as they perceive the firstborn receiving preferential treatment.
3. Parental Time Constraints
Parents nowadays are often juggling multiple responsibilities, including work and side hustles, household chores, and social obligations. Limited time and energy may inadvertently lead to uneven distribution of attention among siblings. As a result, feelings of resentment and rivalry may emerge, creating a breeding ground for conflicts.

The Impact of Sibling Conflict
Sibling conflicts, if left unaddressed, can have lasting effects on family dynamics and individual well-being. These are just some of the consequences.
1. Emotional Turmoil
Sibling conflicts often evoke a range of intense emotions, including anger, frustration, and hurt. The emotional turmoil experienced during and after conflicts can create a tense atmosphere within the family, affecting not only the siblings involved but also other family members who are witnesses to the discord.
2. Erosion of Trust
Trust is a fundamental element of any healthy relationship, including among siblings. Frequent conflicts can destroy trust, leading to a breakdown in communication. This can continue as they grow up and ruin adult relationships among siblings.
3. Impact on Individual Well-being
The emotional toll of unresolved sibling conflicts can have lasting effects on individual well-being. Children who experience chronic conflict with siblings may be more prone to stress, anxiety, and lower self-esteem. These challenges can persist into adulthood, influencing mental health and overall life satisfaction.
4. Influence on Future Relationships
Sibling relationships serve as a template for how grown-ups navigate relationships later in life. Patterns established in childhood, whether positive or negative, can influence how people handle conflict resolution, communication, relationships, professional collaborations, and even friendships later on in life.
5. Educational and Achievement Impact
Sibling conflicts can divert attention and emotional energy away from academic pursuits and personal development. Moreover, the ongoing tension within the family can potentially impact educational achievements² and hinder each sibling’s full potential.

Effective Communication: The Key to Sibling Dynamics and Conflict Resolution
One of the fundamental pillars of conflict resolution is effective communication. Encourage open and honest dialogue among siblings, emphasizing the importance of active listening and expressing feelings without judgment.
Teaching Empathy and Understanding
Cultivating empathy is essential for fostering a supportive sibling bond. Explore strategies for teaching siblings to understand each other’s perspectives, validating feelings, and building a foundation of compassion.
Establishing Family Values and Rules
Setting clear family values and rules can provide a framework for resolving conflicts. When everyone understands the expectations, it becomes easier to navigate disagreements and find common ground.
The Role of Parents and Mediation
Parents play a crucial role in mediating sibling conflicts. Explore tips for parents on how to effectively mediate disputes, encourage compromise, and create an environment where conflicts can be resolved constructively.
Promoting Positive Sibling Relationships
Highlight the importance of fostering positive sibling relationships through shared experiences, mutual respect, and creating opportunities for bonding.
It is best to always have shared moments from when they are young. Protect your meal times and do not let gadgets and entertainment interfere. This should be your time to talk with family members.
Seeking Professional Help When Needed
In some cases, sibling conflicts may require professional intervention. Discuss the benefits of family counseling or therapy in resolving deeper-seated issues. This also provides a neutral space for communication—free of perceived favoritism in the family.
Building Lasting Sibling Bonds
Remember, every sibling relationship is unique and sibling dynamics are different per family. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Being there for your family will allow you to observe your children’s behavior and attitude towards different issues.
Tailor the strategies mentioned to fit the specific situations in your family and encourage a culture of understanding and cooperation.
- 1 What Are the Main Causes of Sibling Rivalry?, Medicine Net,
- ² Family and Academic Stress and Their Impact on Students’ Depression Level and Academic Performance, Frontiers,