Homeschooling in Bacolod is growing! Needless to say, the population of homeschooling in Bacolod moms is also growing fast.

Homeschooling in Bacolod Moms Unite!
Here in Bacolod City, the number of homeschooling families is rising. However, the numbers are still not significant to make a dent in the system. We are just glad that we are already making ourselves known to the community.
Last month, three homeschooling in Bacolod moms had a chance to make this public! Moms Laksmi Martinez Flores, Tracy Villanueva Divinagracia, and myself, Maria Sigrid Dugeno-Lo, were guests in a talk show. It was held during the Expo Mom 2017 at The District North Point.

An annual event organized by Mommy Mundo, it’s a place where mommies converge, check new trends, and hear about some issues close to their hearts.
Talking About Homeschooling
We talked about our individual journeys in homeschooling our children, including the benefits, challenges, and successes. We have kids of varying ages and we are at different stages of our classes.

Additionally, we also have different homeschool providers so we were able to give valuable insights to the audience.
Bacolod Homeschoolers Network
We are still not that many here in Bacolod, but we are thankful that people are learning about us. The purpose of our group, the Bacolod Homeschoolers Network, when I started it, is to mainly link homeschooling families. But my focus is just in the Metro Bacolod area.
That way, we can have regular activities that will build our children up. It is also our aim that our group will become a cooperative where parents of different skills and talents can impart what they know.

Moreover, it’s a venue where we find encouragement, motivation, and help in challenges that we face daily.
The Homeschooling Advocacy
Aside from our activities, we also want people to know that many families have already chosen homeschooling. It is our preferred alternative to traditional schools. We found this an effective and convenient way of educating our kids.

We hope that this awareness will help people understand the choices we made for our children.
For more information about our group, follow us on Facebook: BacolodHomeschoolersNetwork