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Hapee Kiddie: Putting an Extra Smile on My Kids’ Faces


Mommy’s Goal: A Hapee Kiddie

When I became a mom, it had been my goal and passion to make my kids happy. I am happy when they are happy. Yes, a Hapee Kiddie is a goal. And I try to do everything to put an extra smile on their faces.

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Our papa goes the extra mile in storytelling to bring an extra smile to his daughters’ faces.

What do you want to be when you grow up? 

When that question is asked, kids often come up with many answers. They have ambitions and goals in life. And a lot of these are influenced by what they see around them as well as their parents’ motivation.

While these are all good things, I believe that the ultimate goal should be happiness. Our accomplishments should be accompanied with joy. We see many people who are so successful, even at a young age. They have everything but they are not happy.

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I would like to see our kids grow happy.

It is my sincere hope that when somebody asks children what they want to be when they grow up, they would say, “Happy.”

Depression is a Killer

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that suicide accounts for about 1.4% of deaths around the world. In the United States, the number is steadily increasing, with more and more popular names getting included in the list.

Even the Philippines is not spared. More and more young people are succumbing to depression because they cannot handle extreme sadness. And they see death as the easier way out.

It’s a really, really sad state when you have everything that this world can offer but you are devoid of happiness.

Hapee Kiddie = Happy Parents

We are happy when the kids are happy. It’s not really about putting them on a pedestal, it’s creating a happy atmosphere in the family. We are not perfect. We all have disagreements and arguments. But in the end, we are a family and we kiss and make up.

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We can be crazy together as a family. And that’s ok. 🙂

We think that it’s healthier for them, both emotionally and mentally, to grow up in a loving and happy home environment.

Happiness in Experiences

While we are for raising a Hapee Kiddie in a happy home, we are not much into material things. Sure, we buy toys, crafts, and books. But we would rather invest in experiences. Here are some of the ways that we create happy memories with our kids. It might as well be spelled C-A-S-T-L-E, as we are also building our little castle (home) here on earth.

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These Hapee Kiddies love unicorns, which also represent happiness. They donned costumes at the unicorn cafe called Cafe Conceptu.


We have always taught the kids in words and actions that not everything is about them. Our little day to day problems can seem like a drop in the bucket with all the concerns around the world.

With that thought, we have made giving a lifestyle. It’s not like holding charity events, it’s showing them that other people need help and we have some capacity to help them. Like for example our family help fund, which is money we have saved in order to help others in need.

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Shawna made some friends at Home of Hope orphanage. She was happy to have spent her birthday and shared her blessings there.

And for her 8th birthday, we did something different for our eldest Shawna. With her agreement, we held her party for the children at the Home of Hope orphanage here in Bacolod City. We told her not to expect gifts from the orphans and she was fine with it.

But she was already happy when they sang a song for her. When asked to say something, she said that she was thankful to have spent her birthday there and she wished to do it again.

Adventure and Discovery.

We love our family travels. We learn more about the world and about ourselves when we go anywhere and everywhere together. As much as we can, we bring the kids when we go somewhere, even if it’s just a simple road trip. And then we have as much fun as we can, experiencing new things and eating new foods. We also rest in between, as we cannot thoroughly enjoy when we are tired. With our love for travel, we have decided to spend our special days having a birthday trip than holding a party.

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Having fresh strawberries for the very first time in Baguio City. We don’t get fresh strawberries in our province so this is a novel experience. We went there for Shawna’s 9th Birthday Adventure.

The kids are happiest when they are swimming and horseback riding. These are the two of the most enjoyable activities for them. If they can only bring horses and the swimming pool home, they certainly would.

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When we go on staycations, the kids always chance upon having the pool to themselves.

One of the happiest staycations that we had recently is at Bantug Lake Ranch where we stayed at The Verdant Villas. The kids enjoyed two days of swimming and horseback riding there.

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Shane is now brave enough to ride the horse on her own. It was a trot but I think that she was on top of the world there. Her smile was different and priceless.

Last year, Shane was still smaller and needed one of us to ride with her. Check the video below taken at Bantug Lake Ranch. They also especially enjoyed their riding lessons at the Happy Horse Farms Equestrian Center.

They also like to discover new stuff in nature. When we go outside, they notice animals and insects and are not afraid of them.

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When Shane saw this caterpillar on the plant, she did not think twice about picking it up in order to put it in a home made of leaves that she built.


The kids love stories. They have really active imaginations and story times are some of their most exciting times at home. But when their Papa tells the story, it’s just different. He can be all silly and the girls couldn’t help but laugh and giggle, even when the books do not have pictures. It’s his changing voice and sound effects that do the trick.

Just check out the excerpt of their story telling time below:

But I think it’s not just the funny story that makes them happy. It’s Papa spending time with them that gives them a sense of security and joy.

Time and Traditions.

Though it seems that it’s never enough, we try to spend as much time with the kids as we can. Daddy drives them to their lessons like ballet and such, so he gets to spend some quality “talk time” with them. Since I work at home as a freelancer and mommy blogger, I get to take care of them and am with them for almost all day.

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We try to spend as much quality time with the kids as we can.

We are also for creating happy family traditions. There are just certain activities that we do together as a family on a regular basis, like annually, so that they will associate these events to happy memories.

One of the things that we have added to our family traditions is our Achi Dindin painting the Nativity Scene yearly. She has three paintings done in a course of three years already and we can see her strokes improving. She started when she was 6 years old. We would like to continue this nice tradition and hang her paintings on our wall.

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Achi Shawna with two of her Nativity Scene paintings. The one that she’s holding became the cover of a Christmas card, which was sold by a local foundation. They raised P100,000 from this card design alone.


The kids have different love languages. Achi Shawna’s love language is more on quality time while Siobe Shane prefers affection and well, yes quality time as well. But even with time, they want to spend it differently.

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Shane is happy to have traveled with Mama. We stayed at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Cebu and she had Mama all to herself.

Shawna is not much on being affectionate. Instead, she likes deep conversations. Although she talks a lot about scientific stuff that I know nothing about, I try to keep up with her for the sake of relationship. Meanwhile, Shane was breastfed for three and a half years. She likes cuddles, tickles, hugs, and kisses–anything with skin to skin contact.

They are also happiest when we are doing something together, even if it’s something very simple. Watch the video below:

They also both like gifts, so we do give them gifts that we can afford from time to time.

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Shane during her fifth birthday. She was so happy to receive gifts from her classmates at Bright Kids Preschool.

The girls particularly like toys, clothes, accessories, and of course, books! Hubby and I really try to meet halfway with the kids in this aspect. What we like to do for them may not exactly be what they need. So we try and find out what makes them tick. Check out their video below:

And this is Shane, unboxing an Oli Boxship, which was a gift to her.

Eternal Life.

The most lasting kind of happiness is, of course, eternal life. We have introduced the kids to the concept of God at a very young age. They believe in God and in eternal life. We believe that it’s their relationship with Christ that will carry them through, even with life’s difficulties and uncertainties. And of course, through eternity.

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The kids go to Sunday School regularly at Bacolod Trinity Christian Church. They also attend the annual Vacation Bible School.

In the Westminster Shorter Catechism, the most famous of the questions asked by many Presbyterian children, “What is the chief end of man?” And the answer is: “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” There is immense joy in knowing that you have a greater purpose than just mere existence. That is why we have introduced God at the earliest possible time.

In the video below, Shane sings “The Salvation Poem” from the TV series, Super Book. She was two years old back then.

How about you, mommies? What makes your kids happy? 😀

All About Gratitude

One of the biggest concepts that we are trying to instill in the kids is gratitude. It is being thankful and happy no matter what they have–or the lack thereof. That way, their happiness doesn’t depend on their situation or what they have. They will have thankful hearts in spite and despite of life. That should also keep them from being jealous. Jealousy is such a joy stealer. 🙁

Hapee Kiddie - GotheExtraSmile - kids - parenting - blowing bubbles - playtime - mommy blogger - Bacolod mommy blogger - family - love -happiness - Happiness is not about getting all you want, it is about enjoying all you have
Always be thankful — you will always be happy. Photo from https://www.facebook.com/Ideavibes/.

A lot of times, it’s not that we are in lack that we become unhappy. Sometimes, it’s because we did not count our blessings. That is the kind of counting that really matters. And honestly, we don’t always give our kids what they want. Read more about it: Why We Don’t Give Our Kids What They Want

Hapee Kiddie - GotheExtraSmile - kids - parenting - blowing bubbles - playtime - mommy blogger - Bacolod mommy blogger - family - love -happiness - teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.
Count what matters. Photo from teachingwithsimplicity.com

Making Mama Happy

Part of making my kids happy is also making Mama happy. I realized that my kids don’t need a smart, successful, sexy, or rich Mama–they simply need a happy Mama. In order to do that, I needed to re-assess my life, my emotional triggers, and such. I have become more tolerant about the things that I cannot change.

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Blowing and catching bubbles is another one of their favorite play.

Additionally, I started doing things that make me happy, such as losing weight. There is a sense of personal achievement in that. Then I also reinvented my mommy style. I never realized that fashion could change my whole look and outlook. In the past, I never really cared about how I dressed or looked. Now, a little perk me up in my wardrobe changed me so much.

Hapee Kiddie Toothy Tales

One of the ways of keeping that happy smile on your kids lips is for them to have healthy teeth. In our family, I am a stickler to dental health, which is the reason why the kids brush regularly and we keep our bi-annual check up with our family dentist.

Watch the short video below about Hapee Kiddie Tooth Tales.


61 thoughts on “Hapee Kiddie: Putting an Extra Smile on My Kids’ Faces

  1. You have such a great thing going – these are all great ways to spend time together as a family and have a nurturing family environment for the kids. It does sound like you are having a wonderful time.

  2. Happy kids=Happy parents!
    I love how you’re nurturing your kids to appreciate charity works and adventure. This really builds them in kindness and also making them more creative and curious with exploration. That’s awesome!

  3. I truly believe that happiness is not truly possibly outside of Jesus Christ. Through him we can have true happiness and love. It is so important to share these things with your children early and often.

  4. As a parent our main goal is to make our child to be happy at all time and I am glad that you let your kids joined in a charity works and other life adventures.

  5. I’m a firm believer in the Happiness as Experiences notions. Couldn’t agree more. The things that I remember most about my wonderful childhood is the fantastic experiences we had as a family!

    1. So true, right? I continue to invest in the kids today in terms of experiences and happy memories and stay hopeful that someday, they will grow up to become happy people who are also going to share the happiness in the world.

  6. That’s a nice goal as a parent to make our kids happy. Exploring in different places and spend time together would make my kids happy. Glad that you’ve shared your thoughts about it.

  7. This warmed my heart to read. I think family time is the best time and I could tell just how close yours is. Goals involving your children are the most important as a parent.

  8. I LOVE this post. What a beautiful family you have! So nice to see so many photos with smiling faces. I think you’re bringing your kids up very well 🙂

  9. Kids are the future for all of us. Whether we have children or not we must ensure that they grow up, happy, healthy and willing and able to contribute to society in general.

  10. Such a lovely post, and yes, being happy is such an important thing. Not just for now but for the future too. You are so right, it’s important to spend time together as a family and be happy together. Kids are naturally happy, aren’t they?

  11. I totally agree with you. To me happiness is everything. I don’t have my own kids yet but I simply love being around them. Seeing a kid happy really make my day.

  12. It is important for your kids to be happy. But it really comes down to gratefulness and being happy for the things you have as opposed to the things you do not. If you can teach your kids that, they will be happier.

  13. Very practical yet effective tips. Will definitely apply these with my children. Thank you so much lovinglymama.com. Looking forward to more articles like this.

  14. I agree. Apart from God, we can never experience not just happiness, but true joy. You have a beautiful family and the children will have so many great memories to carry with them when they grow up. Great job!

  15. Awww you have such an adorable pair of little girls! I love your statement: “My kids don’t need a smart, successful, sexy, or rich Mama–they need a happy Mama.” and what you do about it. Awesome job on putting an extra smile on these hapee kiddie’s faces!

  16. Very interesting narrative…happiness is we all seek for ourselves and the family…quality time matters in any any relationship to build Bonds..
    Thank you for sharing such lovely thoughts

  17. I don’t have any children but am definitely sharing this with my brother who has 3 sons and a daughter. Your new birthday party tradition reminds me of my own childhood when my parents would have our birthday parties at a nearby orphanage. Instead of receiving gifts we gave each of the children a small gift and seeing their happy smiles was bliss.

  18. You are doing such a great job at being a mother! Thank you for taking the time to bring awareness to depression. We all need to boost awareness to mental health.

  19. My kids are young adults and your post is right on point. I followed these ideas when they were younger but we still use these concepts to keep our family bonded as we continue to create new experiences.

    1. That’s awesome Doc Debby. I would like to keep doing them until they are older or until they choose a different path in life–like going to college far away.

  20. That’s a happy family! It’s nice to see a family with a happy time together. It would be nice to see it in video. Thanks for sharing your happy moments.

  21. It’s nice to see how you are setting out time and creating family traditions for the happiness of your kids and family. These days parents have left the kids at the mercy of gadgets, ( though I do feel kids should be exposed to these technologies). This eventually created a disconnection of the child from the his present environment and family. I believe parents should put in the time and effort to help groom there children’s personality. Thanks for sharing such an inspiring post, all parents would appreciate this.

    1. I agree. We do not entirely ban gadgets in our household. But the kids use them sparingly. It’s not everyday that they get to handle the tablet or smartphone. If ever, we just allow them to watch our curated videos on TV.

  22. I love the CASTLE concept you follow, that’s such a good way to remember it, and all important things to include in a child’s life 🙂

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