Travel, Wellness

nCoV Scare: Don’t Panic But Be Careful About the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (covid-19)


People around the world are on the alert for the novel coronavirus outbreak that started in China. Face masks are selling fast at high prices. And most people stay away from individuals with chinky eyes, whether they are from mainland China or Filipino Chinese. Should we really panic about the covid-19 situation?

What is the nCoV or covid-19?

In the midst of the novel coronavirus outbreak and the confirmation that one person already died in the Philippines, our family had been traveling for a week in Luzon. From Bacolod City, we flew to Clark in Pampanga on board Cebu Pacific and then travelled by land up north to Baguio City.

In Clark where there is an international airport and foreigners seem to outnumber locals in the downtown area, there are not too many people wearing face masks. The local government and establishments are not amiss in posting warning signs and advisories, but the people seem to be chill.

nCoV, novel coronavirus, coronavirus, novel coronavirus outbreak, China, made in China, face mask, boost immunity, stay healthy, prevent ncov infection, health tips against ncov, ncov in the Philippines, Philippines, Bacolod City, Clark, Angeles City, Pampanga, Cebu Pacific, travel, traveling with kids, dromedary camel, Angeles, Pampanga, Zoocobia Fun Zoo, Xenia Hotel Clark
~ Shane with US Air Force Pilots. When she saw these uniformed officers checking in at Xenia Hotel Clark, she asked for a photo with them. Thankfully, they obliged. ~

Panic in Bacolod

Meanwhile, I scroll through my newsfeed and see people in Bacolod City panicking over the shortage of face masks and 70% rubbing alcohol. Even Young Living Essential Oils is running out of Thieves – a known antibacterial essential oil blend. Yes, we are all concerned and for good reason.

Coronaviruses mean a family of viruses that cause respiratory infections like the common cold. However, there are strains that can lead to deadly complications, like the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). They are zoonotic, which means they can be transmitted between animals and humans. The MERS-CoV came from dromedary camels while the SARS-CoV came from civet cats.

nCoV, novel coronavirus, coronavirus, novel coronavirus outbreak, China, made in China, face mask, boost immunity, stay healthy, prevent ncov infection, health tips against ncov, ncov in the Philippines, Philippines, Bacolod City, Clark, Angeles City, Pampanga, Cebu Pacific, travel, traveling with kids, dromedary camel, Angeles, Pampanga, Zoocobia Fun Zoo
~ Shane riding a dromedary camel in Zoocobia Fun Zoo, Angeles, Pampanga. ~

Since we have this new strain that has never been detected before, experts have named it the novel Coronavirus or nCoV. It spreads fast and can cause death if not treated immediately and properly.

Why We Shouldn’t Panic

We panic because we worry. As mothers, it is our responsibility to keep our families safe, especially the children, whose immunity is not fully developed yet. Moreover, they are not very mindful of sanitation and hygiene sometimes. We need to keep reminding them to wash hands and all.

nCoV, novel coronavirus, coronavirus, novel coronavirus outbreak, China, made in China, face mask, boost immunity, stay healthy, prevent ncov infection, health tips against ncov, ncov in the Philippines, Philippines, Bacolod City, Clark, Angeles City, Pampanga, Cebu Pacific, travel, traveling with kids, Aqua Planet, Zoocobia
~ Achi Shawna getting her temperature checked before entering Aqua Planet in Angeles, Pampanga. ~

“Coronavirus is transmitted via larger droplets that fall quickly out of the air (for example, after a sneeze). This virus is not airborne. “

British Colombia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC)

At the Aqua Planet water park in Pampanga, we were subjected to temperature scans before entering. It’s for everyone’s safety. It’s just for protocal and it doesn’t mean that they are panicking.

Do Not Worry

However, needless worry is just going to stress us and can lead to sleepless nights. Less sleep means weakened immune system. “nCoV is not airborne so it does not transmit fast,” says Dr. Kristine Yap, a Bacolod EENT. This means that the virus doesn’t stay in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The best precaution is to stay away from somebody who is sneezing and coughing. And then to wash hands properly before touching the face or eating.

nCoV, novel coronavirus, coronavirus, novel coronavirus outbreak, China, made in China, face mask, boost immunity, stay healthy, prevent ncov infection, health tips against ncov, ncov in the Philippines, Philippines, Bacolod City, Clark, Angeles City, Pampanga, Cebu Pacific, travel, traveling with kids, Aqua Planet, Zoocobia, BCCDC
~ A screencap of the Twitter announcement of BCCDC. ~

Anyway, if there are no more face masks in the local pharmacy, you can DIY. Make some washable masks for the family. I got our washable masks months ago and we just keep reusing them whenever we go out or travel. For alcohol, use organic sanitizer instead, like the one sold at Human Nature. Or just wash your hands with soap and water.

There is no need to worry and hoard stuff. I AM NOT downplaying the nCov scare. The novel coronavirus outbreak is real. But there are simple things we can do to be careful and to stay safe and healthy.

Stay Safe Amidst the novel Coronavirus Outbreak

Mommies, let’s keep our families safe. Here are some things we can do, as we keep living our daily lives despite the novel coronavirus outbreak. In Negros Occidental, they say that there is one confirmed patient.

nCoV, novel coronavirus, coronavirus, novel coronavirus outbreak, China, made in China, face mask, boost immunity, stay healthy, prevent ncov infection, health tips against ncov, ncov in the Philippines, Philippines, Bacolod City, Clark, Angeles City, Pampanga, Cebu Pacific, travel, traveling with kids, Aqua Planet, water ride
~ Papa and Achi Shawa riding this inflatable with two foreigners in Aqua Planet. They looked like they were from India. ~

But there are more people who have TB, pneumonia, bronchitis, and other similarly infectious respiratory diseases. So let’s stay on the safe side without worrying. That is not good for us.

Health Tips to Prevent Infection

Meanwhile, here are some basic health and hygiene tips in order to prevent the spread of the nCoV. Preventing the novel coronavirus outbreak is much easier than you think.


Regular handwashing is a must, whether there is nCoV or not. Wash hands with soap and water after using the toilet for any reason, before eating, as well as handling money.

Hand sanitizers.

Use alcohol or sanitizers. If running water and soap are not available, the next best things would be to use these disinfectants. We prefer the natural hand sanitizers by Human Nature.

Cover up.

Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing. It is best to use a tissue so that you can just throw it away. And again, wash your hands or sanitize. Basic manners and hygiene can save us.

Wear a face mask.

Our entire family has allergic rhinitis. We are especially sensitive to dust, foul odors, dust mites, strong perfumes, bad odor, pollen, and construction particles. Whether is an outbreak or not, we usually wear face masks when we go out, most specially when we travel.

nCoV, novel coronavirus, coronavirus, novel coronavirus outbreak, China, made in China, face mask, boost immunity, stay healthy, prevent ncov infection, health tips against ncov, ncov in the Philippines, Philippines, Bacolod City, Clark, Angeles City, Pampanga, Cebu Pacific, travel, traveling with kids, Aqua Planet, water ride
~ This kid is a seasoned traveler. ~

And since our flight to Clark was late in the evening, I made the kids wear jackets and head covering. That should protect them from getting head colds.

Avoid eating raw foods.

Eat thoroughly cooked meat and eggs, at least for now. Raw meat, milk, eggs, or animal organs should also be handled with care to avoid cross-contamination with other uncooked foods. Again, this should be done even without the nCoV.

About people who are coughing and sneezing.

Avoid people who are coughing and sneezing. There are people who are obviously sick. One guy, who was a co-passenger in the plane going to Clark, kept coughing almost every five minutes. And he wasn’t covering his mouth. Fortunately for us, he was seated two rows from our family. But there were babies who were near him. Sigh… at least the four of us had masks on. But that guy was just rude and inconsiderate!

When visiting live markets.

If there is a novel coronavirus outbreak in the area, try to avoid direct contact with live animals as well as surfaces that they might have been in contact with. Wear a face mask and wash your hands thoroughly before eating or handling other stuff.

We visited Zoocobia Fun Zoo in Clark, Pampanga on the last day of our trip. The kids had a great learning time interacting with the animals. As a homeschooling family, such field trips are additional learning opportunities for us. But of course, we stay safe. Before we went to the airport, we washed our hands and faces and changed our clothes.

Build resistance.

Eat nutritious food, take supplements, and of course, get ample sleep. Extending your waking hours is debilitating your immune system.

~ We have tried many probiotic supplements. But we brought this one in our recent travel because it was on sale. ~

Additionally, I gave a probiotics supplement for our kids during our travels. I bought a box from the GNC health store because it was designed for immunity, bone health, and digestive health.

Drink plenty of water.

Lastly, keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration results in other health problems like headaches, urinary tract infection (UTI), and many other things. When you get infected because of lack of water, your immunity weakens and you are likely to contact a viral respiratory infection.

nCoV, novel coronavirus, coronavirus, novel coronavirus outbreak, China, made in China, face mask, boost immunity, stay healthy, prevent ncov infection, health tips against ncov, ncov in the Philippines, Philippines, Bacolod City, Clark, Angeles City, Pampanga, Cebu Pacific, travel, traveling with kids
~ While at the Aqua Planet in Pampanga, we spent so much on bottled water because they wouldn’t allow the bringing of water bottles. But we need to stay hydrated on that hot day. ~

No Cure for nCoV But…

Since nCoV is a virus, there is no medicine for it. You cannot take antibiotics for it. Your best defense against it would be to take ample fluids, eat nutritious foods, boost immunity, and then REST. Going to the hospital and getting hydration and vitamin C intravenously should be your best bet.

Most of all, PRAY. If you believe in God, send your petitions to Him and trust in His grace. Then stop worrying.

See? There’s no need to panic. We need to be concerned and careful. But we should not worry.

And please, avoid spreading FAKE NEWS!

nCoV, novel coronavirus, coronavirus, novel coronavirus outbreak, China, made in China, face mask, boost immunity, stay healthy, prevent ncov infection, health tips against ncov, ncov in the Philippines, Philippines, Bacolod City, Clark, Angeles City, Pampanga, Cebu Pacific, travel, traveling with kids
~ Don’t panic and stop spreading fake news about the nCoV. Vet your sources. ~

Other health stories

Meanwhile, here are some other health stories that you might be interested in. Just click on any link below:


Meanwhile, here is a video with extensive information about the novel coronavirus. It pays to be informed.


15 thoughts on “nCoV Scare: Don’t Panic But Be Careful About the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (covid-19)

  1. Yes we need not worry and still take precautionary measures. AND we must remember to remain humans first. There are boundaries to our fight against nCoV. We may hate China. But they are not really the enemy at this time. It is the virus. And the Chinese (people) are victims, too. So yes travel ban it is. But love them still as humans and pray for them still.

  2. Yes, I believe more than being paranoid, we should be vigilant. Cleanliness and the strengthening the immune system lessens the possibility of acquiring the virus. nCoV is here but we can do things to prevent getting infected.

  3. Thanks for this reminder, that panicking will only aggravate things. I have to admit I got anxious after the DOH confirmed PH’s first nCoV case and that the patient actually visited the province of Negros Occidental. I just realized there’s no use if I worry too much, and I should focus on doing what I can to keep the kids healthy instead. We all can get through this novel coronavirus outbreak.??

  4. Very well said momsh.. Nasa atin naman po mismo kung paanu natin pangalagaan ang ating mga sarili at mga kids.. Oo, nakakatakot ang nCoV kasi walang gamot but still we can prevent it.. At sana malampasan natin itong mga pagsubok sa atin… Pray harder lang po talaga tayo.. ?

  5. Sometimes, it’s the fear of the unknown that causes people to panic, plus the exaggeration of some people and even the media in social media platforms. It’s best to check if news comes from a reliable source.
    And PROPER HYGIENE is the key, each and every time — whether there is nCoV or not, because there are many other viral diseases, too.

  6. I am very thankful that I encountered this post. I am now aware of what really ncov is and how to best prevent infection. Thank you for sharing this information.

    And keep safe everyone, it is better to be prepared. Take vitamins too para pampalakas ng immune system. There may eventually be a cure of ncov but still take extra precaution para sa ating sarili.

  7. Nagkaroon po ng panic attack simula po ng magdeclare ng lockdown sa maraming lugar sa Pilipinas.. pag sunod lang po sa health protocol at proper hygiene eh maiiwasan po natin ang magkasakit sa Covid-19 na ito..

  8. Hindi po natin kailangan magpanic sa covid 19, magdasal lang po tayo, panatilihing malakas ang ating immune system, practice proper handwashing and wear face mask and sanitize always.

  9. Grabe talagang takot an idinulot ng nCoV satin. Pero as time goes by, parang nakakasanayan na din ng mga tao na anjan si covid laban lang ,tuloy pa rin ang buhay. Basta sumunod lang sa protocols and proper hygiene para maiwasan ito..

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