Money Wise

One Way a Mom Can Earn from Home and #LiveBrighter


How mom can earn from home

Modern moms all over the world are crying for empowerment. We want to add to the family budget while taking good care of our husband and kids. The good news is yes, mom can earn from home and even have the opportunity to #livebrighter.

mom can earn from home - #livebrighter - Be a Sun Life Advisor - family budget - work at home mom - stay at home mom
Be empowered. A mom can earn from home. Find a flexible career for you.

The empowerment movement now has a term. It’s called mompowerment, which was coined by Mommy Mundo CEO, Janice Crisostomo. And this is so timely.

Moms Can Make Money

One of the things that make mom empowered is when we get to contribute in the family’s purse. It may not be as big as our husband’s regular income from his salary or business–it doesn’t matter. But it does feel good to be able to use your knowledge and skills and bring in some dough.

For example, I am a Bacolod mommy blogger and a writer for hire. My income is not regular but it covers a lot of our family’s needs. Plus, it has given us opportunities for lovely family vacations through the years.

mom can earn from home - #livebrighter - Be a Sun Life Advisor - family budget - work at home mom - stay at home mom - Bacolod mommy blogger
This Bacolod mommy blogger attended the #LiveBrighter forum at Seda Capitol Central.

However, many are stay at home moms with young children. They have chosen to give up their careers in order to personally take care of their children and run the household. So how then can they make money while doing all the stuff that’s needed in, around, and outside the house?

Mom Can Earn From Home

Thankfully, there are now many flexible career choices that enable stay at home moms to make the shift. They can now easily become work at home moms.

For one, they can easily find things to do online. There are many freelancer careers from different websites that are open to different competencies.

Another option is to become a financial consultant, such as becoming a Sun Life Advisor.

What is a Sun Life Advisor?

A Sun Life Advisor is someone who is passionate about helping other Filipinos achieve financial freedom. It is not just about the selling of insurance, it is being dedicated to help educate others because you know the situation better. At the same time, it is a business opportunity so that a mom can earn from home.

Why Be a Sun Life Advisor?

Here are some of the reasons why you would be encouraged to become a Sun Life Advisor. Go check below if you have what it takes to become one.

  • Your nature to help.

You cannot stomach it when you know you have the solution to overcoming debt and poverty, but don’t do anything about it. You just have the overwhelming urge to share what you know. Whether others listen or not, you are determined to share your knowledge because it’s your advocacy. Even if you get rejected the first time, you keep doing it because you know that somebody is bound to listen.

  • You want to earn well and #livebrighter.

You want to build a lucrative career or enterprise. Being a Sun Life Advisor is being able to actively campaign for your advocacy and being compensated for it. Mind you, the Sun Life team gives generous financial rewards, which will enable you and your family to #livebrighter.

  • You get to enjoy life’s pleasures for free.

Your efforts as a Sun Life Advisor will not go unnoticed. Aside from the standard financial gains from every policy signed, there are many other rewards. The company regularly gives out merchandise for small achievements. When these are accumulated, you are entitled to free travel around the country and abroad. Plus, there are gadgets and even cars at stake.

  • You get to enjoy flexible hours.

This is where mommies are gonna like it. Yes, a mom can earn from home being a Sun Life Advisor. How? You can just spend a few hours each day sending proposals to your prospects then follow them up. For good leads, you can set a meeting at your and your client’s convenient time. You don’t have to report for work all day every day. How nice is that?

mom can earn from home - #livebrighter - Be a Sun Life Advisor - family budget - work at home mom - stay at home mom
As a Sun Life Advisor, you don’t have to work all day. Prepare and send proposals from home. Call or message to follow up your potential client. The only time you need to go out is when you schedule a presentation, which is at your and your client’s convenient time. You have lots of time to take care of your family and your home.
  • You get associated with the best.

Sun Life is the number one life insurance company in the Philippines. They are also the oldest at 123 years old. You then have the mark of a Sun Life Advisor: professional, winning, caring, and inspiring.

Steps in Becoming a Sun Life Financial Advisor

Below is a five-step process to become a Sun Life Financial Advisor. These will make you well-equipped in strengthening your advocacy on financial literacy. This way, you can prove that mom can earn from home.

mom can earn from home - #livebrighter - Be a Sun Life Advisor - family budget - work at home mom - stay at home mom
#LiveBrighter forums are held around the country from time to time. Join one and find out if this career path is for you. In Bacolod, we recently had one at Seda Capitol Central.
  • Join a #LiveBrighter forum nearest you in order to understand the concept of being an advisor. Recently, we attended one in Bacolod City.
  • If the proposition sounds interesting, take the POP (Personality Orientation Profile) Screen Test. It will help you determine if your personality is well suited to this career path.
  • Finish the Sun Life Training Course. This will help you learn about the concepts and theories of insurance, ethical industry standards, and product knowledge.
  • Take the Licensing Exam. This is administered by the Insurance Commission with Sun Life’s assistance in order to obtain the required license.
  • Complete the contracting and coding process with Sun Life.

Great Idea for Moms

Yes, mom can earn from home by being a Sun Life Advisor. And it is not just small money because Sun Life gives great rewards. That way, the #livebrighter goal for your family is achieved.

To guarantee a successful career with Sun Life, expectations are discussed between the company and the applicant.

mom can earn from home - #livebrighter - Be a Sun Life Advisor - family budget - work at home mom - stay at home mom
The #LiveBrighter forum in Bacolod was well-attended, with so many new recruits.

Interested? Angel Oak is the Bacolod Branch with 17 units. It is part of the team of 1,500 Financial Advisors in the Visayas region who have embraced the better life.

About Sun Life

Sun Life is a Canadian based financial company founded in 1865. As a pioneer of the insurance industry in the Philippines, Sun Life Financial was the first to introduce the concept of life insurance. Its goal is to help clients achieve lifetime financial security.

After World War II, the company honored USD 1.2 million death claims. With PhP31 billion premium income for 2017, the company now offers permanent and universal life insurances as dental, health, critical illness and long term care insurance, among others.

For more information, visit the Sun Life website,


8 thoughts on “One Way a Mom Can Earn from Home and #LiveBrighter

  1. Great ideas for ways to make money from home. I think it is not just for moms though. Everybody can benefit from this. Thank you.

  2. This is a great post. There are some really great tips here for parents who wish to stay at home but earn some more money!

  3. This is a very good way to earn some cash. Working from home does have its perks, if we only know which business to engage in. Sun Life must be a very good company for it to be around that long.

  4. Love the term mompowerment !! However, in this crazy rush of taking care of the entire family, all the mums out there need to remember to look after themselves as well. SunLife sounds like a great idea.

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