This 2021, many of us have vowed to rise up from a dreadful 2020. We want to improve in everything that we have and do, to change how we look, and to be stronger in adversity. After such a huge slump, it is good to have goals and plan how to achieve them. As you work hard, take care of your hair with the Pantene Salontastic Collection. Look good and feel good as you work your way to the top.
The Pantene Salontastic Collection
There are harsh days when life gets in the way. It’s easy to lose track of yourself and get distracted from your goals. Even when it’s frustrating, choosing the easy way out of situations can feel like the best decision when you’re stuck with no options.
But even if life throws you a curveball, you’re still able to get back on track stronger than before. So put your best foot forward again to face the new normal in 2021 and bring your healthy growing hair with you! Get some help from the Pantene Salontastic Collection.
Watch the video below about the salon-level smooth that you can achieve at home
Women Empowerment
Pantene’s newest digital video exemplifies women empowerment. It aims to empower women to toughen up by starting stronger.
At the same time, the female of the species needs to get that extra boost of confidence by taking care of themselves.
The video features a familiar scenario that women can definitely relate to. You will find those times when you feel like you’re losing yourself to a point that even your hair looks like it gave up. Split ends start to pop out and damage is apparent
You’re so tempted to take a literal short cut by chopping off your locks. Now, cutting hair short isn’t the only solution to hair damage.
The New Pantene Line
Instead, look forward to stronger hair days ahead with the new Pantene Long Hair Solutions Total Damage Care Shampoo. It has Pro V with Japanese Rice Oil Essence especially created for long hair. This protects your hair from having split ends and prevent hair damage even before it happens.

Rice Oil Essence has 50x Anti Damage Benefit, so you can say goodbye to hair damage and split ends even before it happens.
Pantene’s latest video brings the message of empowerment, reaching and encouraging numerous Filipinas to keep growing their hair out,.
So stop with the short cuts and grow your hair long in 2021 with the Pantene Salontastic Collection.
Ganda naman. New Normal with New Pantene Salontastic Collection. Maganda ang pantene lalo nasa malagas ang buhok at meron split ends
Wow! New Normal with New Pantene Salontastic Collection ❤️ I love it! It protects your hair from having split ends & prevent hair damage. Thanks Pantene for making our hair more healthier & stronger.
Nice one for PANTENE.. ang ganda ng bagong project nila named NEW PANTENE SALONTASTIC COLLECTION.. Magandang product nga ito to boost the confidence of all Filipino women.. POWER!!