Filipino-Chinese, Schools

Bright Kids Preschool Bacolod: 10 Years of Nurturing and Teaching Excellence


Bright Kids Preschool Bacolod may not be the first Bacolod preschool to champion multiple intelligence (MI). But they are definitely among the best today. And they just completed a decade with hundreds of Kinder school graduates.

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Teacher Sheryll delivering an emotional speech on her 40th birthday, which also coincides to the year that Bright Kids Preschool Bacolod celebrates 10 years.

The Inspiration for Bright Kids Preschool Bacolod

In celebration of their first decade, Teacher Sheryll Ong, Bright Kids Preschool Bacolod directress, shared her inspiration for putting up a kinder school like this.

“The school I grew up in was a very conservative school,” she said, recalling that discipline and academic excellence were top priorities. When asked if she liked school, she would answer with a definite, “I did not!”

She remembers, “I was terrified of my teachers. They were strict. I cannot ever recall a single moment where I was hugged or kissed by my teachers.”

A Child’s Questions

As a child, Teacher Sheryll had an inquisitive mind. But she never got to voice out her questions in school, afraid that people will laugh at her. “I was bad in Math and terrible in drawing and art,” adding, “I felt I was not as smart or as talented as some of my classmates.”

She had many other traumatic experiences that all contributed to unhappy memories of school. “I did not enjoy my elementary or high school days. I questioned why I had to study useless subjects, why I had to memorize so many things, why I had to stay in school for such a long time.”

Better Understanding

In college, Teacher Sheryll took up Educational Psychology at the University of Santo Tomas and she slowly bloomed with better understanding. Her time there “gave me a lot of freedom to explore, to question, and to satisfy my yearning for things that I really wanted to learn.”

She thanks the many great professors who taught with passion and who satisfied her curiosity. Eventually, she became a voracious reader, a student leader, and a respected and popular student in school.

Inspired to Become a Teacher

Teacher Sheryll was so inspired by her teachers that “I also wanted to become one.” She initially wanted to teach Psychology in college but the dean rejected her application because of her youthful appearane and personality.

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Last year, Teacher Sheryll was awarded as among the Oustanding Alumni of UST.

That rejection didn’t bring her down. Instead, Teacher Sheryll pursued her masters while tutoring Chinese subjects to individual students.

Pursuing Her Passion

Her first year of teaching was a breeze. “I loved teaching and the kids seemed to love me back.”

Although she was a fun teacher, Teacher Sheryll says that, “I was also a strict one when it comes to setting standards of achievement for my students. If a student had to repeat a grade level, I would let them do so even if I had to butt heads with my principal and administrator. For me setting a high standard pushes the students to accomplish more.”

At 40

Now that Teacher Sheryll is already 40 years old, she takes the opportunity to look back at her younger years. “Much of who I am today and how I manage Bright Kids Preschool may be traced to my experiences as a little girl.” She remembers hating school and that is why her teachers strive to make the school a happy place.

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Teacher Sheryll with husband Charlton and the current teachers of Bright Kids Preschool.

“Whenever I see Bright Kids students all grown up and still friends with the same kids they grew up in our school, it brings such joy to my heart. For me, that is one of the greatest legacies Bright Kids will leave behind – the friendships that were forged,” Teacher says.

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Achi Shawna with her fomer kinder classmates Xaxa and Quichess. They look so big now!

Additionally, she adds that this goes out to all the parents, aunties, and grandparents who got involved in the children’s education.

Believing in her Students

Teacher Sheryll is confident that Bright Kids Preschool has given her alumni with strong roots. And during the anniversary celebration, she called on her Original Smart Kids students the Bright Kids alumni, honoring them to receive a special badge — the Tatak Bright Kids Badge of Excellence.

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Billie and Katie: Bright Kids Mascots

A few years ago, Bright Kids Preschool launched their school mascots named Billie and Katie. It was a grand event because the naming of the mascots was done through an online contest.

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Billie and Katie attend the school’s special events.

The school mascots foster and build unity among the preschool children and parents. They espouse good values and positive behavior. The boy is Billie, who name means “determined protector” — brave and adventurous. Meanwhile the girl is Katie, whose name means “pure”. She is beautiful inside and out.

Together, they represent the ideal children that Bright Kids Preschool hopes to nurture.

10th Anniversary Celebration

The Bright Kids Preschool Bacolod 10th anniversary celebration was a year-long event that led to a whole day of festivities.

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After the zumba, Teacher Sheryll had many rounds of well-wishers.

The event was held on the same day as Teacher Sheryll’s birthday and it was all about her loves. In the morning, the day was started with zumba at the Green Gardens. It was participated in by parents and current students.

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Teacher Sheryll with her family — husband Charlton and her three sons.

In the evening was a dinner party with alumni, family, and friends. Many families and students were honored, especially those had who had sent more than one child to Bright Kids Preschool.

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So many people joined in the anniversary zumba.

Bright Kids Preschool Is Our Choice

We have two kinder alumni from Bright Kids. Our eldest Shawna finished Kinder in 2014. Shane graduated kinder this year.

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We were among the families that received a special frame for sending two of our children to Bright Kids Preschool.

There was quite some emotional and psychological preparation for kinder school because both girls didn’t have formal schooling prior. But they both thrived at Bright Kids Preschool and we are very thankful. Furthermore, they only have happy memories of their kinder years.

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Our girls with Teacher Sheryll.

Honestly, we never regretted choosing Bright Kids Preschool Bacolod for our daughters’s early education. They had fond memories as well as great training. The school definitely gave our girls the preparation we needed for homeschooling in Bacolod.

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Our two kids joined the zumba. Mama couldn’t because of my back problem.

Moreover, we can surely say that the education is really good, judging from the academic achievements of the Bright Kids Preschool alumni in big schools. I guess, learning the fun way is more effective.

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With the Bright Kids family on her birthday.

This year, Bright Kids Preschool sends out her 10th batch of graduates to the next level. And they are confident that these children will thrive wherever they are planted.

Contact Details

For inquiries, you may call or visit:

Bright Kids Preschool – 10th Lacson Street, Bacolod City
Tel. No. (034) 433 4713

Bright Kids Preschool Lucasan – Villa Lucasan, Bacolod City

FB page: BrightKidsPreschool


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