
2 Tips to Remove Negativity in Your Life


Are you feeling overwhelmed with misery over the negative energy in your day to day living? Here are two tips for you in order to remove negativity in your life and actually enjoy living.

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Rising above the waters.

When Negativity is Overwhelming

Negativity in our lives can come in many forms. It can be from within ourselves or outside factors, like bullies. But the facts are, negativity sucks the joy from our lives, affects productivity, and leads to depression. It can sometimes even affect our relationships.

When we become too tense, we become monster moms. Our children and homes then suffer.

Make that decision to remove negativity in your life. Now.

Remove Negativity in Your Life

While negative emotions help us appreciate the positive ones, we cannot keep dwelling in negativity. It steals our joy, pollutes our minds, and even affects our health. Moreover, we become grumpy and unapproachable, too.

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Having my morning cup of coffee at Feliness Resort in Boracay.

Here, I will tell you two things that helped make my life easier. I have avoided or rejected things, events, or people in my life based on two criteria. These are only two criteria but the negativity that has been removed in my life was tremendous.

tips to remove negativity in your life - life tips - happiness- making mama happy - happy mother - happy wife - happy kids - Bacolod mommy blogger - morning cup of coffee- Feliness Resort in Boracay - boracay resort
I am happier and the kids are happier, too. Here, we attended the Jollibee Pinaka-Sweet Day event.

The impact is so huge. I am less tensed, my heart is lighter, my mind is more at peace, and I am actually healthier. Additionally, I laugh more often.

And of course, I am happier, too. That’s what’s important for my children. They don’t need a successful yet miserable and depressed mama — they need a happy mama.

Just Two Things

There have been many things that I have either avoided or rejected in my life since last year. These have removed a big percentage of the negativity in my life.

And I have based it all on only two criteria. Find out about them.

Avoid toxic people.

Toxic people can be a variety of personalities. They have different attitudes and perspectives in life. For some reason, there are just people who seem to be the bearer of bad news. They also can’t seem to see the good in anything.

Likewise, there are people who seem project that they are the only blessed or chosen ones in the world. Somehow, I feel like these two extremes are toxic and do not allow me to grow. So I just avoid them. The least association possible, the better.

tips to remove negativity in your life - life tips - happiness- making mama happy - happy mother - happy wife - happy kids - Bacolod mommy blogger - morning cup of coffee- Park Inn by Radisson Iloilo - Iloilo hotel
Letting lose and letting go. Relaxing time at the Park Inn by Radisson Iloilo hotel.

Reject negativity. I have also rejected most of the negativity in my life. Hateful and jealous people are not my cup of tea. So are people who consider themselves the center of the universe. I realized that I don’t have to keep on entertaining their grandiose ideas of themselves.

Block or unfollow on social media. Because of my public persona as a Bacolod blogger, I do have my share of haters. I have always taken those people on a positive light. Since I am not perfect and we were not really educated about social media, I know that I still have a lot of room to improve. Additionally, I don’t take the hate personally.

However, I realized that I don’t have to keep having them on my friends’ list. There’s a saying, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

But if I keep seeing these hateful posts, I don’t think it will be good for me in the long run. The point here is to fill our minds with positive thoughts. And hateful comments should not have a place there.

Decline unrewarding tasks.

I have been a freelance professional writer about half of my life. All these years, I have used my skills, time, and equipment to earn a living.

tips to remove negativity in your life - life tips - happiness- making mama happy - happy mother - happy wife - happy kids - Bacolod mommy blogger - Denila Grapes Farm - grape picking
I work as a freelance writer. We are homeschooling our kids. We can go anywhere, anytime, as long as the budget permits. In this photo, we visited the Denila Grapes Farm in Sta. Barbara, Iloilo.

But many times, I have also been used and abused by people and companies. While I had shared my skills and resources to help others, I have learned to say no. This is especially true for companies who are freeloaders, using my blogs to get free campaigns.

Related: Online Jobs that Work-at-Home Moms Can Do

After all these time, I have learned to say no, even if people get disappointed. I have declined invitations to certain events if I don’t find them rewarding. Instead, we go to all the birthday parties that my kids are invited to.

That’s because I would rather use my time for something more gratifying, such as spending quality time with my children. And of course, doing something that earns me money that can add to our family budget.

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I am choosing my family now — more than my tasks.

Different Situations

We all have different stations and situations in life. I do not know what you are going through right now.

But once you remove negativity in your life, you will become happier and healthier. My earnings have increased, too, because I have more time to spend on paying tasks.

Since I have been taking Valentus Slimming Coffee, I felt more productive. So I can finish a lot of tasks at a shorter period of time.

tips to remove negativity in your life - life tips - happiness- making mama happy - happy mother - happy wife - Bacolod mommy blogger - swimming at Seda Capitol Central
Let go.

Additionally, you will have a lot of time to spend with the people who matter — your husband and your children. You get to work on your marriage as well as becoming a better mother. Your whole family will also be happier.


17 thoughts on “2 Tips to Remove Negativity in Your Life

    1. Hi Krysten! Maybe you can just ignore them or avoid these people? If you really can’t and it’s getting too much to bear on your part, then perhaps, I would suggest that you find another job?

      1. The two pointers you gave are so spot on! I can so relate!

        In past couple of years, I have reduced my social activities and family duties and decided not to bother engaging with people who have toxic personalities. I also learned to say no, WITHOUT bothering or attempting to give any reason, explanation or excuse. What a difference it makes in your life, really.

        I guess getting older and realizing what your priorities are, that your time is precious too, can empower you not care so much about bruised egos, feelings and offending people you don’t really like.

    1. I’m trying to avoid negativity especially now that I am pregnant but it is kind of tough especially when these people are your family or relatives. Sometimes I distract myself by working but there are times that I can still remember the things they’ve done or said. It really helps if you have someone to support you or listen when you want to vent out.

  1. I didn’t know it’s so easy to remove negativity in our lives. These tips seem to be easy to apply and hope they will help me to find the right balance in my life. 🙂 I need peace and more happiness. But negative people are just so…negative. They bring you down.

  2. I think that it is very hard sometimes to remove negativity in your life, especially when you are struggling with finances for example. You can’t really create a positive environment when you worry that you won’t have money to pay your bills next month.

  3. Yep totally agree, these are great ways of avoiding negativity! All are very important for sure in order to be happy. Our lives can be difficult at times so we don’t need negative people and circumstances adding to it.

  4. This is an amazing post that is quite helpful for good mental health. I myself now say ‘no’ to anything in my life that affect me negatively. I don’t want to be weighed down by negativity.

  5. I’ve struggled with negativity and self blame my entire life but I decided to deal with this a few years ago. Your tips are on point! Thank you. Many people will benefit from this. Such a great reminder to strive to have more positive input in our lives.

  6. This post is just fantastic and on point! At one point in my life, I took inventory of my situation and got rid of all the toxic people and circumstances in my life. Sometimes, you just need to do it for your happiness and peace of mind. 🙂

  7. Avoiding toxic people in all aspects of your life is so important. They can really cause unwanted stress and negativity and no one really needs that. Life is already hard as it is, but negative people just bring you down. They make life harder.

  8. Negative people can really suck the energy out of everyone. They can also add on to our stress to our already stressful life. That’s why I prefer to block or unfriend those people than deal with their negativity. Out of sight, out of mind.

    1. I totally agree! Out of sight = out of mind. I have unblocked several people in the last months. Haters will continue to hate and I don’t have to be party with them. Problem is, people still screenshot their posts and send to me. hahaha But it’s okay, at least I know that there are people who care. 🙂 <3

  9. Saying no remains a struggle for me. I dunno, I just feel obligated to say yes to every request asked from me. My best friend even told me everything nalang daw is pro bono.

    Reading your blog made me realise that everytime I say yes, my tendency to complain about life in general rises. Maybe because subconsciously, I know I am being manipulated into saying yes?

    I also read this article about people pleasing as one type of a trauma response. People daw tend to fawn to avoid conflict and secure relationships, which in hindsight, I’ve done as well.

    Huhu I could go on but I might be opening a can of worms. ???

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