The whole world is in turmoil over the Covid-19 pandemic. Rich or poor, powerful or not, no one is spared. During these times, companies are asked to let their employees work from home. Classes are being suspended. Meanwhile, I am grateful that we are homeschooling amidst this global health crisis.

The Covid-19 Pandemic
Since late last year, we have been reading news about this new virus that has been infecting Asians, specifically people from Wuhan, China. It was named novel coronavirus because despite its similarities to the coronavirus, it seemed like a new mutation. At first, it was called nCov. Now, it is called covid-19 and it has become a pandemic.
Some of our local Philippine officials have declared a self-quarantine after association with a person who eventually was tested covid-19 positive. Among the really famous people who also became infected are Hollywood actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita who are currently now in Australia.
Just today, I also heard on the news that Sophie Trudeau, the wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, also tested positive. The prime minister is on self-quarantine.

Most of the patients survive the infection, some with minimal management. However, covid-19 can be fatal to those who already have compromised health conditions. The worst thing is, survivors are not usually given the light of day–only the patients, which adds to fear and panic.
Work from Home
President Rodrigo Duterte declared a “containment” of Metro Manila, which people are calling a “lockdown” because of the rising number of covid-19 patients there. To reduce the risk, many companies have allowed their staff to work from home.
That is a good move so as to reduce congestion and air pollution in the metro. Then the cities and municipalities around can “breathe.”
If you are considering working from home, here are some opportunities for you. Read: Online Jobs that Work-at-Home Moms Can Do
Sharing with you how being proactive looks like. This is a post by Ms. Charmaine Pahate with the hashtag, #courageovercovid
On the other hand, schools and universities have declared lockdowns and early end of the school year. They are using this time to disinfect their entire facility. DepEd has also declared that all school-related functions will be cancelled this year.

It is sad, but we cannot help it when the parents are constantly worried about the welfare and well-being of their children. And in times like this, I am honestly thankful that we are staying at home. School hasn’t stopped and learning continues.
Let me just clarify that I am not saying that our lifestyles are better than yours. While worry does not solve anything, I understand when people are worried about the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s natural because we care. Parents worry about their children in school. Spouses worry about their other half who works outside the home.
I am just so thankful that hubby and I get to work at home while the kids are also staying at home. That way, I can better monitor their health.
In a different light, I just want to encourage everybody to read more facts and to think clearly. Worry, panic, and the spreading of fake information merely sow fear. We do not contribute to the solution.
Let us be pro-active.
“While the entire human race is facing this crisis, remember to be kind. Panic buying is not kindness.”
~Mommy Sigrid, Lovingly Mama
Above all, pray and trust God. We cannot see viruses. No matter how hard we try, we cannot completely contain ourselves unless we live in a bubble. Only God knows. Pray your fear and worries to Him and let it go, like Queen Elsa. Hehe
- Related: Life Lessons for Girls from Frozen 2
Stay safe everyone!
Basic Defense Against Covid-19 Pandemic
Meanwhile, our best defense against the dreaded Covid-19 pandemic are still the basics. These should have been a part of our lifestyle, whether there is Covid-19 or not.
- Stay clean.
- Wash your hands.
- Eat healthy foods.
- Get enough rest.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Take vitamins and supplements. (Read: Malunggay capsules)
- Don’t spit anywhere.
- Clean your nose at home and wash your hands after.
- Don’t touch your face with your hands. (Others have always been doing this to prevent pimples.)
- Avoid crowded places.

Except for the crowded places, all the rest are still pretty much the basic things that we should do in order to stay healthy. If we are doing all these things, we shouldn’t have to worry so much.
God bless us all!
Family Travel
I cannot blame you for putting off family travel for awhile, at least until the covid-19 scare has died down. We still travel, but we chose are destinations, especially those that are not crowded. But we travel with some health protocols. Read more: Tips for Traveling With Young Children
Additionally, you might want to read this, just in case your kids get sick during travel. Click here: Tips for Traveling with Sick Kids | Family Travel

But if you can, I highly encourage you to take a break. Take your mind off constant worrying. It is not good for your heart and mental health. Hie off to a mountain resort where the air is fresh and the place is not crowded. In Negros Occidental, try visit the Baluarte Rest and Relaxation mountain resort. You will surely be refreshed even just for a day trip.
Related: Fight Off Depression by Baking Oatmeal Cookies
It’s so hard to not panic over covid-19. But then, panicking and worry will just add to stress. I’m glad to hear companies who are doing their best for their employees. And yes, it’s one of those times, I’m really glad I’m a stay at home mom.