Motherhood, Parenting

The To-Do List for Kids


Want the kids to do something or follow a schedule? Try writing a to-do list for kids. This just might be the thing you need.

Mom’s To-Do List for Kids

Yesterday, I had to work all day. I left home before Dindin woke up and I didn’t expect to come home until dinnertime. But my work got extended and I got home around 10pm.

This was a first for us, so I told Dindin the things that she needed to do. But after that, I listed them down and taped the list on the bathroom door.

This is the first time that I made a to-do list for kids, so I am not really sure if she will follow them. She can read, so it was easy for her to check what she did. Her babysitter was the only one with her most of the time.

Dindin’s To-do List for the Day

1. Wake Up
2. Take a bath
3. Eat cereal
4. Make writing Assignment
5. Have lunch
6. Rest
7. Snacks
8. Go to school
9. Wash body
10. Dinner


Following the Routine

And you know what? Dindin followed everything to the letter. She didn’t even want to watch TV after doing her assignment because Mama did not say so.

When she went to school, she did not have her long hair tied because Mama was not here and only Mama can do that.

After dinnertime with Dad, she expected Mama to be home soon, so until I got home at 10pm, she kept on pointing on the list, waiting for Mama to come home. The best part was, she didn’t fuss but just expected me to come home because I wrote it down. She just waited.

Emotional Time

I wanted to cry because I realized that Dindin can already be trusted to do things instructed to her at 4 years old.

Also, I wanted to cry because I am not the ideal mom. I can be loving, but I can also be a disciplinarian and I have anger and depression issues. Yes, I deal with these and a lot of times, my anger is vented on Dindin.

So I have to say, this is not about me or what I did–it is God’s grace that used the bad things for good. And I can only cry because of the realization.

Now that I know she follows instructions, I will try to make my list more detailed next time, such as including more specifics to the list. We will see if she will abide by them, too.

Not For All?

I am not sure if this to-do list for kids will work for all children. As we know, all children are not created the same.

This system has certainly worked for us. Dindin is the type who respects signs that she sees in school, church, or at the mall, so I guess that is the reason why she also respected the list I made for her.

If you want your kids to do something and they can already read, then try making a to-do list for kids. It’s one way of teaching them responsibility, too. 😀 And I think this would be really good for working moms.


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