Cooking Mama | Food

Spicy Indian-Style Chicken Curry Recipe with Pita Bread


We, especially my husband, like Indian food so much. One of the dishes that he misses the most is the spicy Indian-style chicken curry, so I tried to re-create it at home. Turned out pretty well so I am sharing what I did and how we enjoyed the Indian cuisine-inspired dish. Here is my Indian-style chicken curry recipe.

homecooking, from my kitchen, Indian cuisine, Indian curry, spicy curry dish, spicy Indian-style chicken curry, chicken dish, chicken recipe, pita bread, chapati bread, no rice, cooking for husband, papa eats, mama cooks, restaurant-style dishes at home, Mediterranean, cooking with herbs, dried spices, aromatic dishes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, marinating in milk, meat tenderizer, yogurt is a meat tenderizer, culinary herbs
~ Cooking with dried spices. I don’t have a lot of Indian spices at home but I do have powders: clove, cayenne pepper, laurel leaves, black pepper, and star anise. But we have a curry plant in the garden. Love cooking with them! ~

Recreating Indian-style Chicken Curry at Home

Many of you know that my hubby was first attracted to me because of my smarts first and my cooking second. haha That is why cooking for him is such a joy for me–I don’t mind spoiling him with food. He is Filipino-Chinese and looks like a Korean but he likes Italian cuisine and spicy Indian food with curry. I wonder if he ever gets lost in translation. LOL

He said that he can never forget the Indian restaurant that he visited in Cebu where he had spicy chicken curry eaten with chapati bread.

We often cook chicken curry at home. But it’s just the usual chicken with potatoes and carrots, turmeric, and coconut milk. However, Indian-style chicken curry is different. The sauce is thicker and the aroma is rich with spices. Hubby really wanted it very spicy.

homecooking, from my kitchen, Indian cuisine, Indian curry, spicy curry dish, spicy Indian-style chicken curry, chicken dish, chicken recipe, pita bread, chapati bread, no rice, cooking for husband, papa eats, mama cooks, restaurant-style dishes at home, Mediterranean, cooking with herbs, dried spices, aromatic dishes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, marinating in milk, meat tenderizer, yogurt is a meat tenderizer
~ Because I have them, I used some strands of saffron soaked in milk. ~

However, not everybody in the house is into spicy food, especially the kids, so I had to cook the regular version first. Then I just added the chili flakes and cayenne pepper to the second half.

This means that the chicken was not steeped in chili, hence only the sauce was spicy. Eaten with pita bread that we bought from Eleven 11 Shawarma Station in Bacolod, we were pretty happy with the result. It nevertheless cured our craving for spicy Indian-style chicken curry.

Spicy Indian-Style Chicken Curry Recipe

This is a recreation that I did at home with available ingredients. While it is close to authentic, I am not sure if it is enough for some. For hubby, it lacked the spiciness he was looking for, but this homecooking mama had to cater to different tastes. Hence, I couldn’t make this dish very spicy.

homecooking, from my kitchen, Indian cuisine, Indian curry, spicy curry dish, spicy Indian-style chicken curry, chicken dish, chicken recipe, pita bread, chapati bread, no rice, cooking for husband, papa eats, mama cooks, restaurant-style dishes at home, Mediterranean, cooking with herbs, dried spices, aromatic dishes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, marinating in milk, meat tenderizer, yogurt is a meat tenderizer, curry sauce
~ This is the non-spicy version: note the color difference. The chili powders and flakes cause the sauce to turn brownish. ~

Ingredients for marinating

  • 1 kilo chicken slices, washed and drained
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp. clove
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 thumb-sized ginger, grated
  • 1/2 tsp. turmeric
  • 1 tsp. garam masala
  • Small container Greek yogurt
homecooking, from my kitchen, Indian cuisine, Indian curry, spicy curry dish, spicy Indian-style chicken curry, chicken dish, chicken recipe, pita bread, chapati bread, no rice, cooking for husband, papa eats, mama cooks, restaurant-style dishes at home, Mediterranean, cooking with herbs, dried spices, aromatic dishes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, marinating in milk, meat tenderizer, yogurt is a meat tenderizer
~ Marinating meats in Greek yogurt helps to tenderize the meat for a shorter cooking time. ~

Ingredients for cooking

  • Cooking oil
  • 1 head garlic, minced
  • 2 onions, sliced into slivers
  • 40 pcs fresh curry leaves
  • 1/2 tsp. powdered clove
  • 2 tsps. garam masala
  • 1/2 tsp. turmeric
  • Chili flakes and cayenne pepper, to taste
  • 1/2 tsp. paprika
  • 1 cup water or chicken broth
  • Salt, to taste
  • 1 cup thick coconut milk
homecooking, from my kitchen, Indian cuisine, Indian curry, spicy curry dish, spicy Indian-style chicken curry, chicken dish, chicken recipe, pita bread, chapati bread, no rice, cooking for husband, papa eats, mama cooks, restaurant-style dishes at home, Mediterranean, cooking with herbs, dried spices, aromatic dishes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, marinating in milk, meat tenderizer, yogurt is a meat tenderizer
~ The thick coconut milk gives a lot of flavor and richness to the curry sauce. It also lessens the impact of the spicy chili on the tummy, reducing stomach irritation. ~


  • 1 carrot and 1 potato, cubed and soaked in salted water
  • Green peas, canned or frozen


  • Marinate chicken in the first set of ingredients overnight and place them in the refrigerator. Or at least marinate them for a couple of hours to let the flavor seep through the meat.
  • To cook, heat oil in a skillet and saute the garlic and onions for about 2 minutes. Add the spices and stir-fry. The herbs will become dark and very aromatic because of the spices.
homecooking, from my kitchen, Indian cuisine, Indian curry, spicy curry dish, spicy Indian-style chicken curry, chicken dish, chicken recipe, pita bread, chapati bread, no rice, cooking for husband, papa eats, mama cooks, restaurant-style dishes at home, Mediterranean, cooking with herbs, dried spices, aromatic dishes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, marinating in milk, meat tenderizer, yogurt is a meat tenderizer
~ This mixture smells so strong that it can fill up the kitchen while being sauteed. You might want to open the windows. Allow the onions to wilt and be browned by the spices. ~
  • Fry the chicken for about 5 minutes on each side. Pour in the water or chicken broth and bring to a boil. Season with a bit of salt. Cook for about 20 to 30 minutes.
homecooking, from my kitchen, Indian cuisine, Indian curry, spicy curry dish, spicy Indian-style chicken curry, chicken dish, chicken recipe, pita bread, chapati bread, no rice, cooking for husband, papa eats, mama cooks, restaurant-style dishes at home, Mediterranean, cooking with herbs, dried spices, aromatic dishes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, marinating in milk, meat tenderizer, yogurt is a meat tenderizer
~ Fry the chicken for about 5 minutes on each side before adding liquids. ~
  • In another pan, fry the carrots for several minutes and then add the potatoes. Season with a little bit more salt. Take them out and set them aside.
homecooking, from my kitchen, Indian cuisine, Indian curry, spicy curry dish, spicy Indian-style chicken curry, chicken dish, chicken recipe, pita bread, chapati bread, no rice, cooking for husband, papa eats, mama cooks, restaurant-style dishes at home, Mediterranean, cooking with herbs, dried spices, aromatic dishes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, marinating in milk, meat tenderizer, yogurt is a meat tenderizer
~ I season and fry the carrots first, then the potatoes, so that they will retain their form. Then I will add these to the pot together with the coconut milk. ~
  • When the chicken is cooked, pour in the coconut milk. Bring to a boil and let it cook for at least another 5 minutes.
  • Stir in the fried potatoes, carrots, and peas. Simmer for a few more minutes and serve hot.

Cooking Hack: The chilis are to taste, depending on the level of hotness you desire. You may also add red and green bell pepper for more color and aroma.

Try this Indian-Style Chicken Curry Recipe at home and tell me how your family like this in the comments below.

homecooking, from my kitchen, Indian cuisine, Indian curry, spicy curry dish, spicy Indian-style chicken curry, chicken dish, chicken recipe, pita bread, chapati bread, no rice, cooking for husband, papa eats, mama cooks, restaurant-style dishes at home, Mediterranean, cooking with herbs, dried spices, aromatic dishes, Greek yogurt, coconut milk, marinating in milk, meat tenderizer, yogurt is a meat tenderizer
~ This spicy Indian-style chicken curry recipe may be enjoyed with pita bread or chapati bread or rice. ~

7 thoughts on “Spicy Indian-Style Chicken Curry Recipe with Pita Bread

  1. I often cook chicken curry at home, but it’s a usual chicken curry with potatoes and carrots and curry powder. I put a little bit milk and coconut milk as well. But this recipe Mommy Sig is WOW! I’d love to try this for my family. Pretty sure magugustuhan to ng mag aama ko. Love this. Thank you for sharing❤️

    1. Eto talaga inaabangan ko na mga recipe from you Mommy Sig, yung mga spicy recipes kasi super love ng fam ko. Another yummy food to try ulit. Thanks for sharing po 😊

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