After last weekend, we can now say that the CENECO and Primelectric JVA will push through. The majority of CENECO consumers have voted yes to JVA during the plebiscite. After the sixth day, the target of 50% + 1 was already breached, with a total of 55.53% of voters agreeing to the JVA. It just goes to show that most of the CENECO consumers are no longer happy with the current distribution utility and are now willing to embrace positive changes with Negros Power.
CENECO Consumers Push for Negros Power Electric Corporation (NEPC)
The majority of CENECO consumers have made their choice and sealed it through a voting process. On the 6th day of the plebiscite last August 27, 2023, YES TO JVA garnered a total of 98,591 votes, which translates to 55.53% of the total number of eligible CENECO consumers.
In order for the CENECO-Primelectric Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) to push through, it only needed 88,870 Yes votes. That is equivalent to only 50% plus 1 vote of the total 177,737 eligible voters among the member-consumers of CENECO.

Here is the voter turnout and results since the plebiscite was held last June 24.
- June 24: YES – 13,587 | NO – 3,748
- June 25: YES – 8,087 | NO – 2,319
- Aug 19: YES – 24,641 | NO – 284
- Aug 20: YES – 21,247 | NO – 250
- Aug. 26: YES – 25,245 | NO – 116
- Aug. 27: YES – 5784 | NO – 137
Total votes as of Aug 27: 105,490
- YES – 98,591
- NO – 6,899
Negros Power or NEPC: A Better Distribution Utility
The JVA between CENECO and Primelectric made a lot of talks and divided a lot of groups. No, the JVA will not obliterate CENECO. Instead, CENECO will still retain 30% of its ownership in the new company.
What it will get from Primelectric is its much-needed help. CENECO is dying a slow death and the pain is all felt by its consumers. We are experiencing fluctuations and unscheduled power interruptions more than ever. Moreover, we are paying too much system loss, which translates to high electric bills.

The JVA will bring about positive changes. Without cash flow, CENECO has outstanding debts. The new investment will allow the company to pay off its debts, including bill deposit refunds, which they can no longer pay.
Furthermore, it will have its much-needed CAPEX to upgrade and modernize electrical equipment and facilities that can diminish unscheduled brownouts and those long maintenance hours. They will be able to lower electricity rates by using renewable energy sources and by reducing system loss. With enough manpower and resources, they can also improve the turnaround time (TAT) for complaints. Even new applications for new connections will be expedited.
Supercity Bacolod
Bacolod Mayor Albee Benitez is at the forefront of the CENECO JVA because he is gunning for a Supercity Bacolod. Despite his leadership as well as his modern ideas and his efforts to pitch Bacolod to investors, he knows that we cannot achieve our goals without reliable electricity.

To prove the inefficiency of CENECO? The media was told that Landers Superstore Bacolod at The Upper East was delayed in its opening because of CENECO’s unreliable power supply. Imagine that and put that into perspective on a bigger scale.
Information and Awareness
The extensive Information, Education, and Communication campaign launched by Primelectric for the last 3 months was an effective tool to reach out to people.
Those CENECO consumers who were at first hesitant to accept the JVA were able to understand that the new company would just benefit all of us. After all, what we all want as consumers is stable electricity, better service, and cheaper rates.
CENECO and Primelectric signed the JVA last June 3, 2023 and was subsequently approved by the CENECO consumers by virtue of a plebiscite held on June 23. The plebiscite will close on September 3, 2023.
We are very happy with this development. As CENECO consumers, we have been victims of all the inefficiencies I mentioned above. It’s time for a change and we welcome Negros Power in Bacolod City.