
Ease Summer Stress and Be Healthy with Organique Acai Premium Blend


The summer heat can get to our heads–literally and figuratively. Tempers flare up and the stress can reach dangerous levels at this time. Stress could be caused by work (or the lack of it), personal relationships, or financial burdens. We can become irritable, exhausted, and become vulnerable to sickness because too much stress affects immunity! Learn more on how you can ease summer stress with Organique Acai Premium Blend.

When Summer Stress Becomes Bad

Despite its negative connotation, stress isn’t always a bad thing. Everything we do results in stress. There is good stress in exercise or gardening, among other things.

Stress is also the body’s natural physical and mental reaction to challenges that we encounter. When we encounter a problem, stress can help us become more alert and motivated to find solutions to our problems. We would then feel gratified when we are able to overcome them.

summer stress, stress management, rest, sleep, coping mechanism, Organique Acai Premium Blend, stay hydrated, drink water, healthy lifestyle
~ We imagine summer as something exciting and fun. But what about summer stress? ~

But our bodies can only tolerate certain levels of stress at one time. Too much stress within one day without periods of rest or relaxation in between can cause mental and emotional strain. Some experience anxiety and fatigue while others can actually have physical and quantifiable symptoms.

Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit healthcare clinic, reported that too much stress can cause headaches, chest pains, stomachaches, and even sleep problems. Too much stress can even be a factor for other health problems such as heart disease, eczema, and depression. Many times, people turn to unhealthy habits, like smoking and drinking, to cope with stress. Unfortunately, this only worsens one’s health problems.

How to Beat Summer Stress

As the temperatures rise around us, our life’s stresses get amplified. We must find ways to manage our stress on a daily basis so that it won’t consume us.

As with any physical or mental health problem, the first step to balancing out stress is to start with a healthy lifestyle. Here are some ways:

Get enough sleep at night.

Adults normally need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. Sleeping allows our bodies to rest and recuperate from the previous day’s stresses. It also gets you ready to face the challenges of a new day.

Stay hydrated.

With the heat, sometimes ever air-conditioned offices can still make you perspire. It’s worse if you drink coffee or tea, as these diuretic drinks will make you urinate more often and thus deplete your body with much-needed liquid. Cool yourself down by staying hydrated. Keep a tumbler of water beside you and take gulps throughout the day.

summer stress, stress management, rest, sleep, coping mechanism, Organique Acai Premium Blend, stay hydrated, drink water, healthy lifestyle
~ Stay hydrated throughout the day by having a bottle of water by your side. ~

It is also best to monitor your liquid intake by refilling your personal water container once empty so you will determine how many ounces or liters you have consumed already.

Take a nap.

Most of us are too busy to take naps. But employees are allowed a lunch break. After your meal, catch at least 10 minutes to take nap or even just close your eyes. This will help you focus more for the rest of the day.

Eat nutritious meals.

A lot of people cope with stress by eating chocolates and chips. Choose healthier alternatives like fruits or vegetable sticks. Certain chemicals in processed foods are harmful to our bodies and can cause further stress.

Adopt a pet or a hobby.

Pets have been scientifically proven to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. They also make you feel comforted and happy. Some pets, like dogs, require exercise, so that will also get you up on your feet.

Likewise, having a hobby like gardening can also calm you down after a long day at work.

Consume antioxidant-rich food and drinks.

Stress can cause an increase in free radicals in the body, which can eventually lead to degenerative diseases like cancer. We can fight back free radicals by eating antioxidant-rich foods and supplements. Vitamin C is a common antioxidant that we should take daily since it is a water-soluble nutrient.

Another drink rich in antioxidants is Organique Acai Premium Blend.

What is Organique Acai Premium Blend?

Organique Acai Premium Blend is an all-natural mix of antioxidants and vitamins that you can conveniently take. Studies show that it can help decrease levels of bad cholesterol in the body and help fight against free radicals. It is high in Vitamin C and Vitamin B, two nutrients that can also build up your body’s defense system! It is safe for everyone to take and all you need is just one shot glass before breakfast for a healthier lifestyle.

summer stress, stress management, rest, sleep, coping mechanism, Organique Acai Premium Blend, stay hydrated, drink water, healthy lifestyle
~ Organique Acai Premium Blend is rich in antioxidants. ~

To know more about Organique Açaí Premium Blend, visit organique.com.ph or call hotline, 0969-1754233. Available in all Mercury drugstores, S&R outlets, and other major drugstores and supermarkets near you.


3 thoughts on “Ease Summer Stress and Be Healthy with Organique Acai Premium Blend

  1. Thank you for sharing this helpful tips Ma,libangin ang sarili at mag ehersisyo araw araw para maiwasan natin ang stress…maganda rin pala itong organique acai premium blend 💜

  2. Thanks for sharing this mommy sig! Dami talagang benefits ni Organique acai premium blend na talagang makakatulong satin. Napapanahon pa naman talaga ngayon ang stress at perfect to para maka iwas

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