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3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Moving To A Completely New Place


If you’ve decided to move to a completely new place, or have started the process of doing just that, then odds are, you’re interested in change. This doesn’t always mean that change is going to be completely positive or a better experience, it’s just different. For instance, if you hope to move to the rural countryside, then you’ll have to be prepared to plan your weeks with less convenience and more driving from place to place. This is often worth it for the beautiful views, larger houses, and more peaceful pace of life.

That said, not all places are alike. It might be that some of these changes are obvious (for instance, if moving from one area of Canada to another, the dominant culture in a given place like Quebec will have much more French influence than other areas), some of them are not. 

In this post, we hope to determine a few of these changes so you can properly prepare for them, and make the right investments where necessary:

Is The Weather Notably Different There?

You might be moving in part because you prefer the weather, but if you’ve moved to a waterfront location that might be known for its storms and even hurricanes, then it’s best to plan. Hurricane-proof window installations can help you here, and is a great example of how weather is more than just a tangential consideration, but a daily lived reality. If you can expect ten inches of snow each winter, and it sticks around due to how cold that is, you might have to think about the vehicles you purchase and the morning routines you use. As you can see, it’s always important to consider how the new area might experience a different climate – especially if moving country.

What’s The Local Culture Like?

It’s also important to consider the attitudes and mindset of the local area. Do they have a local dish that might be super popular and worth trying out? Are you near the water as discussed, and the surfer culture there brings many tourists each summer? What might be the dominant political leaning, which may or may not bother you, but will determine the kind of policies you may live under? This can help you decide if an area is for you, or how to fit better within it as yourself.

How Reliant Should I Be On My Neighbors?

It’s also good to consider just how reliant you should be on your neighbors. For example, if living in a community with a small number of houses, or further away than usual from services like the police than you have before, then collating and connecting with those that live around you is more important. Being part of a neighborhood watch scheme could be a good idea in an area with many tourists, for example, just to keep one another safe.

With this advice, we hope you can ask a few questions when moving to a completely new space.


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